Soul of the Avenger Ch. 24

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Here I am, staring at your broken body. 

So vulnerable, yet I cannot remember the last time I have embraced you so tenderly.  

Alas, why can't I stop crying - why can't I stand up - why can't I speak?

You risked your life to save my own - and yet, I can only sit here and wail in your last moments. 

What kind of friend am I...

My thoughts had brought my sight back into the living world at the sound of laughter. Such a laugh I could not forget, alas it took a second to realize I blacked out from the world around me. Standing before me was notoriously, Zane of the Chaos Prime territory. In his hand held the instrument that caused this situation in the first place. How unsubtle for myself to be left wide out, defenseless in front of this trash. Then again, my heart ached terribly once again at the sight of Gale's unconscious body. All my reason to breathe and live swiftly disappears like the wind.

"Is this how a future queen of an unstoppable race is supposed to behave at the loss of a foot soldier?" again, Zane taunts me with that sinister laugh of his. "I can't believe you'd find yourself crying over a nobody like him."

I had not said a word. Instead, I cripplingly brought the unconscious Gale over to the nearby wall to provide support. The tears in my eyes, vivid still and continued to flow with the heat of my anger and vengeance. Despite the different choices made by our parents, he decided to protect me. Gale never treated me as the future queen that he needed to serve, but the friend that he would give up everything for. And now, I too must give up who I am to get my revenge for the fallen. 

"Are you ready to join him in hell, too, Althea." Zane threatened, chuckling sadistically. "This weapon will even send you into the afterlife as well; regardless of what powers you have!"

I watched quietly as Zane raises the Vaporizer. His index finger trembled slightly before a large burst of smoke exploded from the barrel of the instrument. It was the same with Gale, an unseeable attack but deals indescribable damage. Soon as I thought my life would be forfeited also, nothing has happened. No wound, no pain, nothing. Tis was a sight to behold to find that time around my domain had slowed down. It appeared as a distortion of reality; beyond the techniques I was familiar with. Was it Gale or something else?

My eyes, no longer filled with water gazed downward against my chest, the hourglass necklace given by Annabeth. It was generating a crystallized azure glow which shimmered with the same energy dancing around the distortion. 

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