The Bravest Ch.8

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Brother... I know that you still blame yourself for what happened to mom.

The memory burns vividly in my brain like a scar, but that doesn't reduce the amount of love I have for you because I know it wasn't your fault.

You are my biggest inspiration; though I'm temperamental and stubborn. I only do that because I don't want to appear weak, especially since I'm a Chaos Prime too.

I'm reminded of that night every time I see you because it showed how much of an emotional and sympathetic person you are.

When father and I returned to the house, we witnessed the biggest tragedy.

It was a flame.

It was a flame so vibrant but inside it held an evil that resonated in the soul of my brother.

Gale was the only one outside the burning house. He was on his knees and his wails were vocally painful. My father zoomed past us towards the house screaming, "Marie!" He continuously called out our mother's name in grief, and he burst into the flaming madness and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to see him again.

"Brother, are you alright; get a hold of yourself, is mom in there!?"

I tried to force his attention but he mumbled the same, unending monotonic word, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Our father left the burning home empty-handed. The reality was frightening for myself as well, but I tried to remain strong for Gale. At this moment, the life in my father's eyes had disappeared and was replaced with murderous intent. No one else could see it; I could only watch as he was about to wreak havoc upon my brother for his sins.

By the gracefulness of Arcana, I was glad that the United Nations arrived on the scene.

They obstructed father from doing anything vicious and I stayed with my brother, even when people would come by and question him. In that young age, there wasn't much I could do and against the United Nations, it was a losing battle before it even begun.

They took him away, and father didn't do anything about it.

It was a constant argument everyday with my father, wondering when he was going to help us free Gale but he refused to listen.

I was alone.

I had no one to talk to. And no one to defend me.

"I always knew the Lancer family were just a bunch of weakly punks!" A girl from my sessions was bullying me, along with her friends. I was sitting on the wet floor with my head down and hair in the mud. It was the usual, every damn day!

I would walk through the halls and hear the same thing, and the worst part is that it was true.

"Look at that girl, isn't that the Chaos Prime leader's daughter?"

"Yeah, she looks like shit now; I wonder what happened?"

"Turns out her brother was a psycho and killed the mom; after that, her life has been crashing down like a satellite."

The guys were the worst with their constant pestering of trying to alleviate my problems. Sometimes, they were forceful and whenever I would tell father about it, he was enraged and threatened to end their lives along with their families. That's definitely the last thing I wanted, and once again, I begged to him that I needed Gale back here. When he was around, none of these people would try the things they're doing now.

They respected him.
They feared him.
And also, he was the only one in the family that has a power like mother and father.

Finally, with years of numerous suffering and near-death experiences, I got my wish; father decided to go and see Gale. I wasn't allowed to follow because I had sessions, but by the end of the day, I was asking questions. Soon as I got home, father informed me of the news. "I spoke with Captain Kreggor of the Council; he's a trustworthy ally in these dark times, and he informed me that we can have your brother back only unless he goes to the Academy to keep a constant watch over him."

"That's perfect!" I nearly choked out my words.
Father didn't say a word after that. The next few days after, father and I was standing outside our new home. The United Nations were going to be bringing him to us. Soon, a rectangular white vehicle arrives in our parkway. When it reached a chosen stop, the representatives stepped out first before presenting Gale.

My heart nearly exploded at the sight of him, but he definitely got a lot taller and more built. His face was glued in the shape of a frown and surprisingly seeing his family again didn't put a smile on his face. I almost hesitated to run into his arms, so I just kept my composer.

The representatives released the cuffs on Gale and without saying another word, they took their leave. Immediately after they departed, I reached out to my brother to touch his arm, "Gale, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine," His tone was suddenly normal. "I just didn't want to talk around those United Nation guys."

"That's great; I missed you, bro!" I couldn't help but dash him with a hug; of course, the tears found themselves leaving my sockets even when I tried not to.

"I missed you too, Denise." He returned the strong sibling love.

The embrace lasted for a moment until father had cleared his throat thus ending our hug. As always, he had a stone face all directed at one person. When I looked at Gale, he didn't back down from the intense staring contest. I expected him to still be broken down; however, he was better than I thought.

"You remember what we talked about, right, boy?" Father sounded too stern, and once again, I sensed that inhuman pressure pulsating around him.

Gale didn't show an inch of fear as he matched father the same way in shape and form. "Yes, I remember clearly what we spoke about." His voice became less polite, and more intimidating.

I was still confused, so I got in between them, "What did you guys talk about that you didn't include me in; I told you, father, that there are no secrets in this family anymore!?"

Father sighs and I turned to Gale who had shielded his face with his hand, probably to hide his laughter. "The deal was that in order for Gale to stay in the Academy and away from jail then he needs to make proficient grades and show that he actually has some self-control."

"I have plenty of that now, father." Gale pleads, but his words could no longer reach father who was beginning to walk away.

"Also, if you plan to truly reclaim your honor of being a Chaos Prime to your father then make sure you strive to win in the obstacle course; if not, then you'll always be dead to me!"

"Dad!" I shouted at him, but he had already closed the door to the entrance of the house.

I turned back to Gale who was looking up at the sky. His eyes had returned to their polite state, and I was glad that father's words didn't shake his confidence, "Things are going to be a lot different from now on, Denise." He says so suddenly.

"I already know that, but we can get through it together; we'll show father that we can both become unique Primes!"

"You've grown a lot, I'm proud." He compliments me and I shake it off with another remark.

"Of course I did, now you know who's going to be the boss of things now!"

"I highly doubt that, but for now, I must be ready for the harshness of what the Academy has in store for me." Gale says that with much faith, but internally, I knew he was damaged. There was more to this situation than he and father was letting on because when I stared down my brother from the back, anybody could tell he had ambitions of a martyr.
But that's okay, brother, because you might think it's you that's protecting me but in reality, it's I that's protecting you.

-To Be Continued-

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