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" i still do "

Kuroo's social skills were worse than Kenma's. Not that he could remember. Though he can be a loud person when he's with Bokuto but other than that, Kuroo never spoke much. He only jumps into conversations when it is comfortable for him.

The first time Kuroo saw her was when she transferred to his high school and was enrolled in his second-year class.

The first time he met her was when Coach Nekomata introduced their team manager. That's when they interacted for the first time. He wondered how a timid girl would manage the chaotic team.

Despite his nature, they became friend quickly.

As time passed, he noticed that she was a pretty chatty girl. The thing was that she doesn't talk much at the beginning, but once she gets comfortable as friends, she is not as timid as she was at first.

He learnt that she transferred from Miyagi because of her father's job. He remembered when she told him how much she loves volleyball, which was why she volunteered for the team's manager.

It was in their third year when Kuroo became the team captain. During the summer training camp, he got to know that she actually went to Karasuno and that the manager of the crows was her cousin.

In just one and half year of their high school, he developed a crush on her. Surely, he is a chatty person with the team, but god was he a nervous wreck when talking to her. He never showed it on his face, but his heart would hammer against his chest, making him worried that she could hear it someday.

"Why don't you confess?"

Was what Kenma asked him whenever he would talk about her. Kenma was never a patient person with Kuroo, but he would still listen to his best friend talking about the sweet girl he had a crush on. Who also happens to be their team manager.

As cliche as it sounds, Kuroo never wanted to ruin the friendship they shared. For him, it was more special than his crush on her, and he cherished it.

They took the same majors in college, given how both of them had an interest in chemistry. The whole team was fed up with their chemistry puns and jokes. Everyone had the same thought, nonetheless.

They suit each other.

What broke him was the news of her moving away to Kyoto. He understood the reason, but still, it came as a shock to him. He still remembers her teary eyes and red nose when she told him.

He was heartbroken but still hugged her to comfort her.

She left in their 3rd year of college. They promised to keep in touch all the time. They would chat and call daily. Sometimes, Kuroo would video call her, which often left her crying because she missed everyone.

Slowly and gradually, they didn't know what had happened, but their contact started fading. Endless chats and video calls were reduced to once in a blue moon texts, either on birthdays or new year wishes.

Two years passed by breeze, and they met again. But not how they expected.

Kuroo's eyes widened as he tried to comprehend when the nurse called out her name, and she flashed him a sad smile. He never ever thought to monopolize her, but the thought of her being with someone broke him.

Still, just like last time, he just smiled at her.

Once again, Kenma's question lingered in his mind.

"Do you still love her?"

Kuroo arrived home from his work. Opening the front door, he found the dimly lit hallway. Just the light of the living room kept the house lit. Furrowing his eyebrows, he slipped off his shoes and walked inside.

Entering the room, he found her sleeping soundly on the couch. Her hands were loosely wrapped around her belly. Her legs were crossed over ankles. His eyes scanned the room only to find her laptop kept at the table and her empty tea cup. He sighed and placed his belongings on the same table.

He went to her room and turned on the lights only to find the mess on her bed. Several copies and papers were lying on the bed. A heap of clothes was kept on the corner of her bed. The blanket was sprawled over the half of the bed. He sighed at the sight.

"She must've fallen asleep before tidying it up."

He mumbled, knowing full well that sleepiness was troubling her due to her pregnancy. Once again, he sighed before turning to his room. Turning on the light, he sighed in relief at the sight of his room. It was just as he left. He walked to his cupboard and brought out a blanket. He left the door open and went to the living room.

Crouching down beside her, he observed her for a while before standing up. He carefully brought his hands under her knees and back. Gingerly, he picked her up in bridal style. Her hand dangled on the side.

As he exited the room, he froze in his tracks. She shifted in her sleep and took a deep breath. Kuroo looked down at her in concern. Her head leaned against his shoulder.

"Welcome home, Kuroo."

She murmured in her sleep. Her words brought a gleeful smile on his face. He nuzzled his nose in her hair and lightly squeezed her before whispering back.

"I am home, Y/N."

She smiled in her sleep and snuggled in his warm and comforting embrace. Kuroo was sure that his heart was going to leap out of his chest any moment.

With slow footsteps, he went to his room. He carefully laid her down on his bed. Just as her back hit the comfortable mattress, she turned to her side facing Kuroo.

The sight of her carefree face made him smile. He leaned down and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead before leaning back. He watched as a small smile appeared on her lips as she slept soundly.

"You know what, Kenma, I still do. I never stopped loving her. I loved her back then, and I love her still today."

"thank you, my love" •kuroo tetsurou•Where stories live. Discover now