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" you don't have to worry
for my approval "

Kuroo walked up to the door after budding goodbyes to Teruko and Hiraku. He gave a big bear hug to Akari, making his niece giggle at his actions. He had to leave for his work. Y/N wanted to leave with him for home, but Teruko insisted that she stay. Moreover, she couldn't say no to Akari's puppy eyes.

Y/N looked up at him questioningly as he suddenly stopped in midway. She could sense some hesitation in his actions. But that soon dispersed as he heaved a deep sigh.

"Take care, Y/N."

Y/N's calm eyes widened in surprise as he bent down and pecked her cheek in a haste. Her stunned eyes caught a glimpse of his smirk as he walked away. Her heart was racing as the memory of their kiss resurfaced in her mind.

Her reverie was broken by Akari's call. She closed the door and went to the living room to see different colour books sprawled across the floor, and her niece sat in a corner with expecting eyes.

She sat beside the little girl who was focused on colouring a drawing. She also joined her as Akari told her about her drawings. She proudly showed her drawings of her family and her uncle Tetsu'o.

His name made Y/N's heart skip a beat. A little flustered, she started looking through other scribblings to take her mind off.


Akari started and looked up from her page. Y/N put down the crayon and smiled at her.

"You are going to have a baby, ne? Mama also has a big belly, and she said that my little brother is there."

Y/N was stunned for a second before turning her attention to Akari's pretty eyes. The little girl scooted near her and held innocent curiosity in her eyes.

"You are right, Akari-chan."

A subconscious smile spread on her face, and her hand caressed her protruding belly. Her eyes watched Akari's action in confusion as she lightly patted her belly.

"Hi baby, I am Akari! Your nee-chan!"

As if she realized what she said, Akari hesitantly looked up at Y/N. She laughed before bringing the girl in a tight hug. Her actions made a beaming smile creep on Akari's chubby face.

She snuggled in her belly. Perhaps she found Y/N as comfortable and warm as her mother and subconsciously nuzzled her nose just like she did with her mother.

Y/N's lips quivered at her cuteness. She looked up to find Teruko standing on the doorway with a smile. Instantly, she grinned, making the older lady sweatdrop.

"Ruko nee-san, you are already having another child? I am kidnapping Akari-chan."

"You know, Y/N-chan. There's something I want to tell you."

Y/N turned to Teruko because of her stern and serious tone. She became nervous when Hiraku also joined them on the couch. Akari was busy in her cartoons.

"Yes, Nee-chan?"

Teruko held her hands in her own and grinned with starry eyes. Hiraku sighed and shook his head at his wife.

"You don't have to worry for my approval. I would love to have you as my sister-in-law."

Y/N blinked a few times to process her words before her face erupted in red, and she started stuttering out of shyness.

"Wh-what? What are you talking about, Nee-san?"

Teruko chuckled before swinging her arm around her shoulders.This time, she flashed a genuine smile to her.

"Tetsurou already told you my story. But it was half of it."

Y/N put down the cup of tea and focused on Teruko's solemn face.

"Just like how Tetsurou is helping and supporting you, Hiraku was also there for me. Just the difference is that Raku was my colleague."

Hiraku had a nostalgic smile on his face as his wife told Y/N about them.

"Look what it led to. I am sure you get what I am trying to say. It's not like I am forcing you or anything. Tetsurou has brought you to my place many times back then. But this time, I could tell something was different. He was happier than before. The same goes for you, too. I noticed how both of you look at each other this time."

Y/N's face flushed at Teruko's observations.

"Because I am his sister, it's obvious that I will take my brother's side. But I am not going to do it. I am sure you had already noticed him."

Teruko flashed a soft smile at her before holding her hands.

"Y/N, I know how hard it is. But please, find your happiness. I am not saying it for my brother's sake but as a sister to you. I already considered you as my younger sister. Now, I would absolutely love to have you as my sister-in-law."

Teruko ruffled her hair, and Y/N's eyes watered at her motherly gesture. Hiraku took it upon him to lighten the mood.

"Now now, dear, I am sure Y/N has already figured out her feelings."

Y/N blushed at his sly tone before buring her face in her hands.

"Not now, Hiraku-san!"

After calming down, Y/N looked down at her belly and caressed it. Her heart swelled up with a very familiar as Kuroo popped up in her mind. This time, instead of shaking it off, she accepted it. She embraced the familiar warm and affectionate emotion that she was scared of at first.

"Nee-san, Akari-chan told me you're expecting a boy."

"Ah yes. I am excited to meet my baby boy."

Teruko gushed as her hands held her baby bump. Y/N could tell that it was her third trimester.

"You aren't going for gender tests?"

She smiled at the question and chuckled.

"I want it to be a surprise. It kinda ruins the waiting, I guess."

Teruko laughed at her response, but she understood her point. Many mothers want the gender of their babies to be a surprise for themselves and others. It adds up to the entire waiting of nine months.

"Then what do you want?"

Y/N hummed as she contemplated on the answer.

"I am not sure."

She nervously chuckled for having no idea if she wanted a girl or a boy. For her, the gender doesn't matter as the baby was a blessing for her despite the situation.

"When I revealed Akari to Tetsurou, he was completely exhilarated. Not once did he not spoil her. Hiraku wanted a boy, though. I guess his wish is fulfilled this time."

Teruko side glanced at Y/N, hoping that the younger girl caught on her implication as she spoke about Kuroo. A satisfied smile appeared on her face as she got her expected response.

Y/N's eyes softened at Teruko's words about Kuroo. As much as she wanted to overlook it, she was somehow elated to her. She held her belly as she settled for an answer.

A baby girl.

a/n: i am extremely sorry for inconsistent updates. college is so burdensome!!

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