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" he's so small, auntie "

Y/N was winding up her class when Kuroo's call got her attention. It was unusual for him to call at that time since he knew that she had her classes in the afternoon.

"Yeah, Tetsurou?"

Her eyebrows furrowed at his panicked voice.

"Y/N, Teruko Nee-san is going through her labour. Nii-san took her to the hospital."

Her eyes widened at the news. She immediately shut down her laptop and cleared the table.

"When will you come home, Tetsurou?"

Kuroo checked his watch only to sigh in irritation. He has to stay for an hour or so.

"An hour or so? I'll call you when I get free."

Y/N smiled as she agreed and hung up. Her eyes landed on the onigiris kept at the dinner table. She got up before keeping her books and laptop aside.

She was due in November, the upcoming month. As she packed the onigiris and some cookies, she could only chuckle at the thought of a concerned Kuroo who would not let her lift a finger when he's home.

She waddled to her room to pick out her clothes. Her ears perked at the sound of the main door being unlocked. She sighed in relief as Kuroo's voice echoed through the home.

"Y/N, I am here. Get ready!"

She went to her door only to receive a quick kiss on the forehead before he went to his room. She tried to get changed as quickly as possible. Since she was eight months along, she had to move with the utmost care.

"Auntie! Uncle!"

Akari ran towards the couple before being picked up by her uncle. She hugged him tightly, and Kuroo could hear her little sniffles. He patted her hack to calm her down. She leaned back as he wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks.

"Akari-chan, don't cry."

Y/N smiled and cupped her cheeks. She could still see tears forming in her small eyes. Kuroo took them to the bench in front of the room.

Y/N sat down as the little girl hugged her side. She continued to caress her hair and whisper sweet nothings to calm her.

"Akari-chan. Nee-san's going to be alright! You want to meet your little brother soon, right?"

This earned her a small nod from the girl as her chubby hands wiped her tears. Y/N felt a chill run down her spine as she heard the screams from the room. They scared her as she knew she was going to go through the same soon.

The screams soon stopped, and a cry echoed. Y/N smiled and looked at Kuroo, who had the same grin on his face. She nudged her niece, who was smiling eye to eye.

The door clicked, and Hiraku approached them with his newborn in his hands. Akari sprung from the bench and rushed to her father. She was excited to meet her little brother.

"Congratulations, Nii-san."

Y/N smiled at the sight of the baby. She gently tapped his cheeks as he squirmed in his father's hold. Giving the father-daughter their time, she walked into the room to wish her older sister.

"Congratulations, Nee-san."

Teruko flashed a tired smile as Y/N took a seat beside her bed. She noticed how the usually cheerful lady had exhausted eyes, which were red because of tears. She took the towel from the stand to gently wipe the sweat on Teruko's forehead.

"Sit down, Y/N. You should be careful now."

She bashfully smiled at her words. Even in her tired state, the older lady didn't hesitate to scold her. Y/N looked up as she heard familiar excited chuckles. Kuroo walked in carrying the baby while Akari circled around him. She was waiting for him to sit down so that she could talk to her brother.

Hiraku sat beside his wife on the other side of the bed. Y/N stared as Kuroo cradled the baby in his arm, not wanting him to cry.

Her heart skipped a beat at the serene sight. The thought of him holding her baby soon made her flustered. Instinctively, her hands went down to her belly. Teruko smiled at her affectionate gaze.

"Tetsurou, let me hold him too."

He stuck out his tongue as he teased Akari before giving the baby to Y/N. The little girl punched him in the leg and made her way to her auntie. The older couple laughed at their antics.

Akari gleefully sat beside her auntie and peeked down to gently pat the baby. They talked in awe about his small hands and fingers.

"He's so small, Auntie."

She chimed in surprise as he held onto her tiny finger. Y/N chuckled at her cheerful words.

"You were also small when you were born, you know."

Akari laughed at her auntie's words before turning to her mother to confirm it. When Teruko nodded, she boasted about being a big girl now.

"He'll become big when he eats veggies."

Kuroo watched their interaction from the other side. His heart warmed, seeing Y/N craddling his nephew. It made him impatient to meet his daughter.

"thank you, my love" •kuroo tetsurou•Where stories live. Discover now