Delilah The Explorer

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Delilah The Explorer, Explorer The Delilah, that was what she was, and that was what her purpose was, she Explores, Everything and anything, now she wouldn't say she was shocked when she was kissed on the cheek, more so surprised.
Being with Katie made her face burn although only being around her once, and her heart scream, here she was sitting in her bedroom clenching her cheek, in the spot where Katie had kissed her, it felt like she was on fire, her emotions wanted nothing more than to calm down but her heart screamed for more. Memories of that moment came back to her, with in a snap she fell to the floor blushing like crazy,

"BLUEHEUGH?!" she screamed, taking her mind off of that flash back she reorganized her art supplies for the thousandth time, walking around the room over, and over, and over, again "Deli have you seen my. What are you doing?" Delilah's older sister spoke coming into her little sister's room "Oh?! nothing " Delilah quickly responded, "oh really? Nothing, You're doing. Nothing. Clearly you were doing something, I mean, look at you! Deli you look like Ma's salsa, redder than the deepest pits of hell" she cackled "No I'm Not?!" Delilah yelled "Deli, have you seen your reflection" her older sister said, Delilah opened her compact mirror, and to her horror, her older sister was right she looked like ma's salsa, Moms salsa was always hot and spicy, and yet Delilah still loved it, no matter how much it burned her mouth,

"Whatcha thinking about anyway Deli" her sister said leaning on the door frame "Nothing! I-i need kati- I-i mean some Air?! I need AIR!" Delilah said, running out of her room pushing her sister out the way "Katie? Who's katie?" Delilah's older sister questions "NO ONE, i-i mean nothing, don't question it!" Delilah yelled running down the hallway, but she was stopped when she ran into something, or someone. That someone being her Mother "Don't Question What?" her mom asked holding a pot of chili, "Deli cariño" Her mom said looking at her youngest daughter "i'm going ma i-uh
Don't really have time to talk" Delilah said "oh there she goes again Delilah the Explorer always leaving the house going Tezcatlipoca knows what" Delilah's father said reading the newspaper "Deli miel where do you go? Exactly" her ma said "and Where are you going" Her mom spoke "i-im going to g-" Delilah was interrupted when her sister started speaking "Deli has a crush mama isn't it obvious" her sister spoke, the words crush and the thought of Katie flooded her mind and soon she was bright red again "Really?" Both of her parents asked, with Delilah being an Explorer she wasn't really the social type "n-no i dont ma" Delilah whined "oh really then who's Katie huh?" Delilah immediately closed her mouth covering her face in her sleeves,
"See! She does have a crush on who ever this Katie girl is'' Her sister spoke again, Delilah felt as though she was going to explode anytime soon "i-i have to go" she made an attempt to run out the door, when she was so close to the door she was stopped when her father grabbed her, in a bone crushing hug type of way "sorry no can do kiddo, not until you tell us who this Katie you have a crush on'' her dad spoke,
Delilah felt like she was on fire "and besides that even then dinners ready," her mom said still holding the pot of food there's was a scratch at the door, in which Delilah took as her escape "you ain't going nowhere kiddo" Delilah's father said "Please Dad" Delilah said, getting out of her fathers grasp, as Delilah opened the door she was shocked to see, not a person. But Stella, wait STELLA, as in Katie's pet leopard, that was just sitting at her doorstep "Stella?! Why are you here? Delilah spoke "Stella? Whos Stell- OH MY GOD CHARLIE IT'S A LEOPARD'' Delilah's mom panicked "Wait Ma this is just Stella, Katie's pet leopard" Delilah said trying to calm down her mother, "AHA! So you do know who Katie is!" her ma said, Delilah's face turned crimson by how much she was embarrassed "Stella why are you here?" Delilah said, but before stella could answer Katie came running looking exhausted "Stella hold up, i cant run any longer" Katie said between breaths, there she stopped an saw Delilah, the two stared into each others eyes as they both flashed a deep red "Delilah you left your hair clip," Katie spoke handing over the Delilah shaped hair clip (delilah is also a flower, pretty cool to have a symbol that is also your name) "u-uh thanks'' Delilah said, taking the clip and putting it back in her hair, "Hello! You must be Katie '' Delilah's Father said excited to meet this mysterious girl "I'm Deli's father Charlie, but Ha, you can call me dad" He said chuckling at his own humor. Delilah flashed a deep red now as it she was a cherry "uh okay we just came to return Delilah's hair clip" Katie said "Oh Heavens no, with the run you've uh clearly had, you must join us for dinner, might you join us for dinner?" Katie thought about it and then looked at Stella ''uh sure why not we don't have much to do later" Katie said "come in come come come" Delilah's mom spoke as Delilah and her parents walked back into the home.
The dinner wasn't that bad as Katie introduced herself to Delilah's parents, apparently they were shocked that Katie was only seventeen years old, Stella happily ate the food she was given in a big dog bowl, "so Katie how did you meet our daughter" Delilah's father had spoken, "well I was on my way to get the Scepter of Isis for my grandfather" Katie said, her parents were shocked to even hear the mention of the scepter, "when we had gotten capture and but in cages and boom she popped up" Katie said "she was in a wrap of ropes, it was as if they were trying to make her a mummy but with rope" Delilah's parents started to laugh with Delilah taking a crimson color
"So Miss Katie, may I ask you about uhm" Delilah's mom stopped talking and looked at Stella the leopard "Stella?" Katie said in response, in which she nodded "well Stella is two years old, twenty four in cat years, she is a leopard, and she is the best pet and partner in crime I could ask for" she said petting the fluffy feline.
After dinner Katie Delilah and a sleepy Stella sat in her room just staring at the ceiling, "Katie?" Delilah had spoken still dazed in the moment they shared "mhm" Katie hummed, "Do you, do you by any chance like someone" Delilah said nervously "yep I d-do in fact" she said turning slightly pink "y-YOU DO?" she said "yea?" Delilah was so confused and a bit slightly hurt, slightly, "r-really?" She said her tone was a bit sad "Yes, it's You Delilah '' Katie already knew why Delilah was acting like this. By those words Deliliahs face again was red, a deep red, almost midnight red, but more so a wine red
"Y-you do?!" she said turning more red her face burning harder "yea everything about you makes my heart sing, from the way you talk, move, the way your eyes light up when something interesting happens," The list went on as Katie spoke, Delilah didn't know how to react but to feel flustered, she felt, seen, heard, and noticed "since the day i met you, things just seemed to be different, and when given the chance i took it, every second with you Delilah gives me a thrill, the dreams i have of you richly fulfill my mind, I'm a fool for you're charms, i couldn't help but wish you were in my arms Love me Delilah Please say that you will!
You brought me sunshine when I only saw rain. you brought me laughter when i only felt pain, I crave a life with you" Katie had finished her words of love to Delilah. Which literally left her speechless, never had someone loved her this much to the point they'd made a whole summary "i-i don't know what to say" Delilah said she was in a lost for words, she wanted to say yes but that felt to bland to say especially after Katie had given a whole detailed love poem about her, "please, just say yes!" She said Delilah couldn't think of anything better to say to Katie that would mean more, "yes, Yes!" she cried the two conjoint their bodies in a hug
"I-i never knew love would feel like this" Delilah said, "Ha" katie laughed, "i love you so much Delilah" she said hugging the seemingly slightly smaller girl "i-i love you too Katie" she said her eyes still locked on the girl she fell in love with.
"Who would've known that we'd end up like this" Katie said, "we wouldn't be together if you were so persistent on getting the Scepter of Isis" she chuckled, twenty years had passed and Katie and Delilah were happily married, celebrating their twenty third anniversary. Who would have thought that an Adventurer and an Explorer would be together. But an Adventure like that would be worth exploring.

Katie The Adventurer & Delilah The Explorer

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