Sunset Island

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Clara sat on the sand watching the sunset, feeling the water move between her feet, "Hey baby whatcha doing" a male voice said behind her, she didn't even need to turn around to know who it was "Hello Zach" Clara said still looking at the sky, Zach coming and sitting next to her, and just looking at her face, for as long as the two were together Zach had never gotten tired of seeing her face, and everytime he saw her his heart screamed,
"Do you ever wonder what our lives would've been like if we'd never met, or atleast didn't get stuck here?" she asked looking up at him, "not much honestly, my life was pretty boring, at least not until you came into my life, you changed everything" Zach said holding her hand. The only reason Clara and Zach met was because they cruise they went on ten years ago forgot about them and their parents were nowhere in site, and they somehow managed to survive ten years on an island by themself,
Zach, was only eleven and was very shy when they first met each other,
but slowly opened up to Clara once they got to know each other, when the two met Clara saw Zach as a little cinnamon roll, he still is though, but most of the time she's keep an eye on him and protecting him, SNAP SNAP a noise sounded behind them, Zach looked behind him considering Clara was laying on the floor "it's a crab!" Zach said.

Here we go again, she got up dusted the sand of her backside, Clara launched at the crab in which it just moved away from her dodging the attack, it then pinch her on her right bicep, groaning in pain she ripped the small creature of her shoulder a wide gash across her shoulder. Snapping the crap in half killing the creature, sitting by a small fire with a boiling pot of water sat Clara and Zach with the two just a shoulder length apart Zach had wrapped some bandages around her arm and now the were just watching the crap cook,
"What would have I done if I didn't have you by my side Clara, if I didn't have you by my side i'd be crab food" he said chuckling
"Well at least I have you, and you've got me" Clara said leaning her head Zach's on shoulder "and there's nobody I wish you be with than you, Me and You, always Forever"

"Yeah. Forever"

Sunset Island

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