The Casket of Adrien The Unseen

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Rumors had been circulating around the town non-stop, you could always hear someone talk about it. Yet no one had ever spoken of the rumor, whenever asked no one knew, it was as if the truth was unseen, like a glitch in the matrix, it was like everyone knew yet didn't really remember, what rumor you may asked, well it was the rumor of
Adrien The Unseen,
Journalist Eva and her partner Matthew were curious about whatever rumors there were. Eva had brung Matt with her because he was a very good detective and great at solving puzzles, and overall he loved adventure, minus his small stature, and easily terrified personality he was a really good partner in crime. Investigating the deep and eerie catacombs terrified Matt as he clung to Eva begging her if they could leave, but she kept refusing she wanted to know what these rumors were and what caused them.
"Please eva can we goooo" his voice echoed "Matt we can't go now, we're already so deep in, honestly though do you want to go back through the bats again, huh?" she said, teasing him. Matt shivered in fear and clung tighter to her, Matt had a phobia of bats, earlier when they had gotten in a large crowd of bats flew around them because Matt's screaming had awakened them.
"Here, I promise that when we find out this case and we figure out what the rumors are about, we can head out and get some pizza, how does that sound?" she asked cheerfully, attempting to cheer up the mood, Matt let out a huff and sadly agreed, "I get to choose what goes on it though!" he said, now it was Eva's turn to huff, letting out a groan "Fine" she said as they kept walking, it was getting a little harder to breath, as in the two would often cough a bit, but the air was still breathable "Eva look!" Matt pointed at the ground they're were shoe prints, very small shoe prints along with bigger ones, "woah" she said investigating these marks, "who ever walked down here is weird Eva, like this footprint" he said pointing at the weirdly shaped footprint "these shoe prints even look like hands" he pointed out, "these shoe prints, and those shoe prints a-and and this mess" he said, something about this next "Shoe Print" looked odd "these shoe prints look weird" Eva spoke inspecting the marks, "come on eva these shoe prints have been here for I don't know like decades" Matt said "No, these shoe prints are new" eva said, Eva & matt were confused "w-what do y-you think someone came here again eva" Matt shivered now again clinging onto eva "that's exactly what I said Matthew" Eva said, walking again in the deep caves, "Wait! You're still going down there" Matt squealed, "yes of course, aren't you coming with me?" Matt's eyes widened "Heck No?!" Matt yelled frustrated running back "oh no, guess that means no pizza, that warm feeling of food in your mouth, the taste of the gooey cheese, welp guess that's all gone." Eva said, Matt stopped, not seeming to be making a single not even the slightest movement, turned around and ran right back to Eva's side, clinging to her arm again "Fine" he said groaning. An hour had passed of walking the dimly lit catacombs and now almost became pitch black. If it was for the fire Matt started, lighting it up the deep depths, the walk was long but was stopped when a giant cement wall blocked off their path, "What?! That's where it ends, those rumors were useless!?" Eva yelled, Matt took a closer look again at the footprints they had followed,
"It's easy to see, just look at the corner of the room where two walls and the ceiling meet, it's a prospective matter!"
Eva and matt reread the riddle several times again and again, "Eva obviously we have to look around this area" Matt said as he moved around the room, nothing looked different or out of the ordinary, that was until eva moved closer to the dead end of the wall and noticed the the "dead end" was actually a hole in the wall "Matt look!" Eva yelled "looking from the side of the wall there's a walkable gap, the riddle was indeed true, it just looks like a dead end from the front, but when you look at it from the sides, you notice it really isn't a full wall" she said as she walked through it with a confused matthew trailing behind her. Another chamber came into view, "it's another wall wow I wonder if this is real" Eva said with sarcasm, her and matt looked at each other for a good second then back at the wall, both placed a hand on the wall to figure out it was indeed a real solid wall, "welp it's a real wall" matt spotted a sledge hammer in the corner.
The sound of the sledge hammer made as it crashed the wall down, there was a room with a blue light shining on a huge deep lilac blue rectangular stone box ,
"What do you thinks in there?" Matt asked "a DEAD BODY" she exaggerated "don't say that?" Matt said shyly Eva leaned on the box feeling a slight draft from the ominous blue light, the lid of the stone box pushed from Eva's weight that was impacted upon it, "Woah" she got up fast and looked at matt who had the same surprised shocked expression. The two pushed the lid off, a foul odor flying free with the chamber that was within it. Eva and Matt got up to see what was inside this box "OH MY GOD!!" matt screamed inside the box, was a corpse, not just any corpse, the rotting corpse of a child, it looked like this child was forcefully thrown into the box, or coffin, considering how many scratches and blood stains there were, "Matt look at that" spoke, she said pointing at a small brown journal that almost had small colors of white on it and blood stains, "ew" matt said "matt your saying ew to the journal and not the dead body literally right in front of us.
Picking up the small journal Matt covered his nose "its smells like its twenty years old" he said, blowing off the dust on the book, it was still dirty, matt poured some water on the journal cover, and to their dismay, the journal was in fact a pearly shade of white "EW?! That's even more gross" Eva said, opening the journal it was dated.

Journal of Adrien Unseen 1978
"My god you're right this journal is twenty years old,''Eva said but that wasn't the question Matt was thinking of "Eva, if this journal is twenty years old how old, then how old was this kid? Both the kid and the journal have been here for two decades," he said a little worried, flipping through the pages of the journal he found out this kid was born in nineteen sixty six and had a not so great childhood being abused by his father and having his mother on the verge of death. "Ay damn this kid went through the ringer, meh it's not as bad as your childhood huh Matt?" Eva joked, "that's not funny Eva" he said looking at her seriously. Going back to the journal a certain date caught their eyes, it was one of the last few entries in the Diary.

Entry 293 December 2nd 1979 7:42 pm.

Today's worst father was more mad than anything. I ran straight to my room to avoid being yelled at. Father had "promised" to tuck me into bed but like all days that didn't happen, and when I went to ask him he screamed at me. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
-Adrien Unseen

"Jeez this kid had it bad, his dad sucks for real" Matt said turning to the next page.

Entry 295 December 6th 1979 Time? I don't know,

This might be my last entree Journal, I can't stop crying, breathing is getting harder as the seconds go by and the countdown on my time here on earth goes down faster,I miss Mr Gummi Bear, Mr Gummi Bear the ferret being an only and neglected child Mr Gummi Bear was like a brother to me, we were inseparable until one night while Mother was away I made the mistake of wandering into my fathers study there,I found dear old father with our maid, having an affair, he roared at me, so I rushed out, went straight to bed. I hadn't even had supper. After all, the maid was "Busy". The next morning I found Mr Gummi Bear's cage empty and Father above it with the widest smile I'd ever seen. That day, My father took away the one thing I'd ever loved, then he beat me. I just remember him standing over me punching and laughing laughing and punching and punching, personally I never got to see what was truly so funny, but that's the thing about comedy, not everyone gets the joke. waking up after being unconscious my Father had impaled me with the dagger that he kept in his belt, I bled in my clothes, as I screamed louder, I passed out and woke again, right now. I have no thought or idea on if I am alive or not as a I lay in my now and soon to be coffin, my clothes have turned a deep shade of red, kinda like the drinks father would drink when he was upset that I had wet myself,
-Adrien Unseen

"THE MAID, THE FRICKEN MAID, OF ALL PEOPLE, he could've had a gay affair, but no he chose the maid," matt said "thats not the point matt, this poor kid" Eva said looking at the skeleton of the small child then back at the book "matt look at this next one" Eva said flipping through the page "what is there another entree?" Matt said. There was.

Entry 297 Conclusion

For some reason death is taking a lot longer. I felt really hungry five days after I was thrown in this coffin by my father, but that stopped. Now, I'm starting to forget to write these entries and forgetting who I am, really though Journal, Who Am I? The world tells me I'm Adrien Unseen but I just feel unseen. Now I might lay here all alone, probably never to be seen again.
-Adrien Unseen

"When do you think this kid finally, you know, croaked?" Matt asked, "I don't know but the town really should see this." Eva said, grabbing the Journal as Eva and Matt ran out. Matt stopped running and turned around and looked back at the coffin. "Matt? Are you coming" Eva said, turning around, "uh yeah give me a second I'm going to pay my respect, you know let this kid rest in peace" he said, it made sense this kid did have a terrible life. "Okay dont take to long" she said walking back, matt walked up and looked at Adrien's now decomposed body,

Finally,I can be seen

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