Chapter 17-Like gum under a shoe

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I woke up with panic because I couldn't breathe all of a sudden. My eyes hadn't opened yet, but I could feel a panic attack coming. Someone was choking me. A million thoughts racing my mind. Who was trying to kill me? Had a grim reaper came to finally take my soul? Had stepfather finally found me? My eyes opened, expecting to see an enemy. What I saw was Zack's fat ass arm on neck. His arm was so heavy that I actually thought someone choking me death.

Huffing annoyingly, I pushed his arm away with so much force, yet the idiot didn't even budge a little bit. I tried getting him to wake up, but he only groaned and started moving closer.

"No, no, no, no. Get off me you big giant." Before I could do anything, Zack was cuddling with me like huge teddy bear. I loved hugging Zack, because he was exactly like a bear. The problem was, he's so heavy that it's possible to get him off you. Plus he slept like the dead.

"Oh my god. This is how I'm going to die." I attempted once again to escape. This time, instead of pushing off Zee, I wiggled backwards. I kept wiggling little by little, until there was no room on my side of the bed, and my body met with floor.

"Umph," I grunted as I thumped on the ground, my gut where I got punched yesterday screaming in pain. "You're never sleeping in my bed again."

"No dad. It Lia's idea. I didn't do anything," he mumbled in his sleep.

"Even in your sleep you're such a tattletale." I checked the time and saw there was an hour until lunch. It was amazing how we slept until without Tio raising hell. He doesn't like when we waste the whole day sleeping. Usually he would have woken us up with a cold water bucket to the face.

I had showered before sleeping, so I simply just brushed my teeth and change my clothes. For the first time I slept so peacefully and for so long that I felt a new kind of refreshed. My mood was good and I hoped it went the same way the whole day.

Before putting on my clothes, I noticed a bruise on my stomach. It wasn't that bad but it didn't look pretty either. At least the guy avoided punching my ribs. If he had gotten me there, all the time it took them to heal would have gone to waste. I shouldn't have even let him get one punch in. He was sloppy and drunk, which means I should have easily handled it.

I was going to ask Tio to let me start practicing again. The Russo's had a fighting ring and gym in the basement. The guys go there every morning to practice, but Tio banned me from using it because I was recovering.

Changing into a fitting white tank top, paired with a flannel and blue jeans, I stepped out of the bathroom. I then finished braiding my hair, right as Zack woke up. I groaned realizing I had to deal with him about yesterday. I thought all of ways I could blackmail him into keeping his mouth shut. He sit up, groaning while clutching his head. He looks at me and then around the room.

"Morning sunshine."

"Why am I in your room?"

"What," I asked, confused as to what was happening.

"When did I come to your room. Why am I sleeping here?"

"You don't remember coming to my room last night." I was so shocked that I choked on the last word, coughing it out.

"I remember a little bit, but it's a bit hazy. I do remember seeing Ace and Adrian here. What were they doing here?"

"Uh..." Oh my God. I was spluttering, I couldn't think of anything to say. The situation was just so bizarre. "They were here because....I invited them. We decided to have movie night, and then, what happened was that you showed up. And we all watched a movie. Yeah. That's exactly what happened."

"You invited them to watch a movie? The person who hates socializing."

"Yeah." He gave me a look that said he had a hard time believing the obvious lie I had just told. "Look I was bored so I asked them what we could do and we decided to watch a movie. Be grateful we didn't do anything dangerous." I gave a nervous laugh after saying that. I was usually amazing at lying, but I was caught so off-guard that I couldn't think properly.

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