Matt POV
I feel bad for ditching Eccentriq like that, but I just feel uncomfortable when I'm around Brent. He looks at me like if I hug Eccentriq he will literally kill me. So I just try to keep my distance. When Eccentriq called me to hang out it felt like I was going to explode, but in a good and happy way. I hope she isn't mad at me. I love her.
Nash POV
I was on my phone and skylynn (I think that's how you spell it?) comes running in my room withe four huge horses in her little arms.
"Can you play horses with me?" She says pulling out her bottom lip.
"Not now princess" I say to her.
"Haaaaaaaaaaayes!!! Come play horses with sky!!!!!" I yell.
"Shut the he-- oops sorry Sky." He says taking two horses out of her hands.
"You will be Mr. Fluffy. Ok Hayes." She tells him.
"Ok." He says looking at him phone. She takes it from him and run and hides it before he can get up to catch her.
"NO PHONES WHILE PLAYING HORSES. THATS VERY RUDE!!!" She says pointing her finger. They get up and walk out.
"Bye Mr. Fluffy" I say ticking Hayes off. He mouths "ass whole" to me and I mouth it right back. He is a dirty mouth for a 14 year old.
I call Eccentriq just to see how she is doing.
E- hello
N- hey you ok?
E- yeah. I'm fine. You ok?
N- lonely. Wanna come over.
E- yeah sure but I don't feel to good. Can u you get me.
N- of course. Be there in 10.
E-ok thanks
I hang up and grab my keys I tell Hayes that I'm going to pick up Eccentriq and a big smile goes on his face. He has a crush on her too. But he is fourteen. So that's never gonna happen. I get in my car and start to drive.
Eccentriq POV
I get up and I feel fine. Weird. I get in that shower and I take a quick bath. I get out. I leave my hair down cause I didn't feel like messing with with that's long crap. I really want to cut it, but my cousins say to let it grow more. But it's already past my butt. I have never cut my hair in my life. Well except for clipping the ends. But back to the subject. I change into some denim shorts and a purple crop top. I kiss Brent's cheek and stick a note on his head again. I go down stairs and get me and apple. I turn around to see Brent with the note on his head.
"Really" he asks.
"Yes really" I smile and hug him. I hear Nashs car pull up and I grab my phone. It slips out and falls to the floor.
"Crap" I shout. I grab it and see a crack on the screen.
"Where you going" he asks
"To Nashs house."
"Oh ok. Bye". I run out the door and hop in to Nashs car.
"Can we go to the Apple Store" I ask Nash.
"Why?" Ha asks. I hold up my phone and show him the phone.
"I have a case at my house you can have." He tells me.
"Mine is a iPhone 6 Plus" I tell him.
"Ok mine is a 6. I bet Hayes has one you can have."
"Ok let's go" we drive to Nash's house. We get out and race up stairs. We run in to Hayes room to see him laying down. I run and start jumping on his bed. I stop and sit beside him.
"Wake up Hayes. I need to ask you something" I shout.
"Hey E" he says opening those blue eyes that I love. He sits up and puts his arm around me.
"What kind of phone do you have?" I say.
"iPhone 6 plus. Why?"
"Do you have a case I can have? My phone cracked."
"Yeah sure I have a box full. You can grab some."
Hayes POV
She runs and grabs the box. She sits it beside me and starts going through it. She grabs a pink one and the Batman one. She loves batman. She thanks me and as soon as she was about to kiss and cheek I whipped my head around and met her lips. We didn't pull away. I felt something that I have never felt before. Scared? Happy? Sad? Or maybe.......Love?