Skylars POV
CRAP! She saw it. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I mentally slap myself.
"Nothing" I manage to say.
"HE HIT YOU DIDNT HE!!" She yells grabbing my arm.
"No I-I-just tripped and fell on a stump"
"Wow, poor excuse" she says grabbing my phone.
"What are you doing" I say trying to take my phone. I should have never gave her my password.
"Calling Kiba" she says going through my contacts.
"Please NO THAT WONT HELP" I yell crying.
"Is it yes or no" Eccentriq says putting my phone down.
"You didn't you tell me Sky?" She says with sorrow.
"I didn't want you to get hurt"
"Why would I get hurt?"
"He told me that if I tell anyone about him hitting me, he would kill the next person I love" she says with her head down.
"Yeah." I say with my head still down.
"Do you still have those kickass bracelets from 7th grade" she says reminding me of the bracelets we made in 7th grade.
"Yeah. Wh--- ohhhhhh. I know what you mean" I look up with a smirk.
"Well I don't" says Eccentriq's boyfriend. I think his name was Bart? Berry? Baker? Brent? Yeah that's it Brent. I gotta say he is kind cute. Wait that's your best friends boyfriend. STOP IT SKY.
"Sky? You okay?" Eccentriq say breaking me out of my thoughts.
"What...oh...yeah I'm okay"
"Good cause we are at your house" Brent says.
"Ok..bye Eccentriq....By bae...I-I-I mean Brent.