chapter one

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Guilt is a strange, insatiable feeling. There are few ways to cure it and in most cases, it lingers for years, blooming inside of you until it's too much to handle. Either that, or at some point, you're able to find the courage and strength to cut the stem and let it die.

It started as any other ordinary day, the weather was perfect for this occasion, everything aligned perfectly. The excitement practically kept him up all night, he desperately wanted the sun to rise already and for a new day to begin, of which he wouldn't waste a second of. And at last, the day had arrived.

As soon as he opened his eyes to sunlight filtering in through the blinds, he raced to get ready. He'd already prepared things beforehand, so all he had to do was get dressed, and he was out the door. Of course, his mother stopped him just before he could do so, insisting he have a proper meal first.

Then he was off on his adventure, sprinting through the tall grass and alerting numerous Pokemon, which he narrowly avoided. Perhaps it'd be better if they settled for somewhere in town, avoiding the risk of wild Pokemon ruining the moment.
But he couldn't help but choose this place, where it all began.

Pushing through the shrubbery, he's blinded by the sun and slows to a stop. Removing his hand, he gazes up at the azure blue sky as Pokemon fly overhead, then at the equally blue lake at his feet, glistening like stars. Keeping a safe distance from the tall grass, he approaches the lake and stares at his reflection, quickly washed away by small ripples.
He takes a step back, and begins his wait.

And it goes on for longer than expected. Yesterday morning, he threatened to fine Lucas two hundred, no, five hundred dollars if he arrived late; which Lucas laughed at. "I'll make sure to get there early, then," he said. "Promise."

Yet after ten minutes, Barry is still waiting under the shade of a tree. He observes a couple starly in the distance as time ticks on. He taps his fingers to the imaginable beat, ticking away inside his head as the leaves shift and clouds slowly drift by.

He makes a reminder to fine Lucas a thousand dollars when he arrives, adding another hundred by the minute. 

By the time he lost count, he got up to three thousand.

Unaware of the darkening sky, he continues to observe starly come and go, happily chatting away. He swears they're smiling. It's almost mocking, in a way; what do a bunch of starly have to talk about, anyways? The best nesting spots or favourite views from trees?

After another ten minutes, doubts start to creep in from the corners of his mind. They'd planned this a week in advance; though it was supposed to take place two days prior. "I'm a little busy right now, but I'm free on Thursday! We can do it then!"

And albeit disappointed, he grinned and went along, demanding that he kept the promise he didn't even make. It'd been weeks since their last encounter, it was the least Lucas could offer. A few minutes of his time, that's all. No big deal for a childhood friend. 

But the Champion waits for no one, not even old friends who swore they'd always be together, through thick and thin they'd have each other.

"What happened to never being apart," he grumbles, tossing a rock into the air. He clutches it in his hand and without thinking, chucks it at the flock of starly. Fortunately, it misses, but startles them pretty badly, causing them to shoot off in different directions.

Sighing, he rests his head against the tree and admires the sky through the leaves. Once bright blue with only a few clouds in sight, it's steadily becoming a light grey, with clouds appearing out of nowhere. He can't be here much longer.

For the better, he supposes, or else he'd spend all day waiting. Still, he lingers under the tree, twirling a flower between his fingers until the starly return, unaware of his presence. Then he accidentally plucks the flower as he gets up, and leaves the glistening lake behind.

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