Chapter 2

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I rush to my locker, bumping people on the way. There was no time to stop and apologize. My locker was on the second floor all the way to the right, and my next class was all the way to the left of the building. There was no time for delay. I needed to exchange lockers really bad.

Finally, I reach my faraway destination and hurriedly exchange books while catching my breath.

I have to tell you. This school is huge. It's not your average high school. It's the best high school in Los Angeles. The campus was huge and enclosed with gates; the building was made up of glass windows; the floors were tiled white, and the walls were painted white as well; and it looks more like an airport than a school for teenagers.

Rich people, and kids of well-known people let their kids go to school here, which meant most of them were part of the in-group. Even kids of celebrities were here too. The football team was also part of it, and athletes with high grades were included as well. Having good grades was part of the criteria. Looks and money-wise were as important as well.

I had good looks, was capable of doing most things (as you have learned, art is my weak point), had high grades, and my parents had decent salaries. Although I wasn't "my-parents-bought-me-a-sports-car" rich, I still managed to get recruited.

I check my watch and find that I only had a minute before the bell rings. Picking up my pace, I fast-walk to my faraway class. Then finally, right on time, I step inside the door as the bell rings.

"Almost late again, Mr. McNightley?" Mr. Robertson points out.

I scratch the back of my head then shrug one shoulder. "I can't help it. My locker is at the other end of the building." I give a nervous grin.

Sternly, he looks at me from above his glasses. "Then, I hope you're planning on getting a different locker." Then he goes back to doing whatever on his computer.

"Of course," I say quietly then head for my seat at the back of class.

"Hey, McNightley," Luis, my seatmate and a good friend from the soccer team greets.

"Hey, Tanner," I reply as I settle in my seat.

"You sure have it rough, huh?" He comments while grinning. "I mean, walking from one pole to the other."

I snort then nod my head. "Totally. It'd be nice if I could just change my class before this one." I sigh.

"You mean Art class?" He smirks. "I hear rumors that you suck at it." Then he chuckles.

"But," Lauren, the blonde girl who was sitting in front of me, interrupts. "It's one of his charms. I think it's cute." She winks at me.

"You are such such a flirt, Laury." Mila who sits in front of Luis comments, while eyeing me flirtatiously.

I grin at both of them then say, "It's already out, so there's no use denying it. Yeah, I suck at art." From the corner of my eye, I saw Mr.Robertson writing something on the whiteboard.

Luis teases, "Christian, the capable, has his incapabilities after all."

"It's not really a bad thing," Lauren assures me.

"Yeah," Mila agrees. "Nobody's perfect."

Both of them smile at me sweetly. Obviously they were trying to score some points, and win some favor. They were examples of the "trying hard" people.

"Thanks," I reply. "You girls are awesome." Then I give them my famous boyish grin.

Both of them blush then lively whisper to themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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