Chapter 3 They Have The Same Name!?!?

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The snow just stops dropping, and the sun is now shining brightly in the sky. Everyone is working tirelessly and hungry as they clean up the snow. Others look so thin and sick.

In one of the tree houses, anyone can see how different and busy the people in it are. The tree house has 5 floors, three below are full of sick and wounded people. The other two stayed quiet. Huli Jing is on the 5th floor with a man who was tasked to accompany her.

In Huli Jing's eighteen years of living, she has never been confused in her entire life, but today was the day she questioned life.

A man in front of her is waving around and smiling wildly, from time to time he will transform into a fox act scary, and then act differently. This man seems to be telling her a story but Huli Jing felt so dumb watching this man. Yes, people can transform into foxes. Once they do, their height would either be just as tall as Huli Jing or the height of a normal three-year-old person.

The first time it happened, Huli Jing was so scared that she unconsciously trembled and weep. But after that, she learned that it was normal that everyone can transform. Huli Jing didn't know how to nor does she know if she can.

Back to the man who is in front of her, this man is different from the man she first saw. This man is much younger. Huli Jing has seen exactly twenty-five handsome men who have ears and tails. All of them can transform into foxes.

Huli Jing sighed. She couldn't take it anymore and just closed her eyes. Decided that since she couldn't understand him might as well organize the information she got.

'Where am I?

  As of now, I don't know the specifics of what kind of place this is but I do know that this house is a physician's house. There are times that the other handsome fox men will come when wounded or sick. She or the body she was occupying was sick when she woke up. The first person she saw was a physician, who seems to be connected to her too.

Why couldn't I understand them?

  This place is not in Li or Hu country. She learned both of the languages that they use. Not sure if this is Western. But I already decided to learn their language.

Who am I?

   I already know my name is Jiuweihu, it seems like they gave her the name of the nine-tailed fox. Still, they mostly call her Hu'er. I also look the same as when she was a child but her hair color has gone from black to orange. Got an orange tail and ears too. I admit I do look cuter.

How did I get here?

  No idea. Since I went from 18 years old to someone who looks like 1 year old, there is a possibility that I'm a fox spirit just like what the myths say. Never knew fox spirits exist.

What kind of creatures are they?

  For now, the people here might be all Fox spirits or as the book stated Fox demons.

Well, that's the only thing I got for now. I might need to collect some information about this place. I do need to learn their language as soon as possible to get more information.'

Huli Jing has always been like this. She does love organizing and planning. Most often than not, she will write or list all she needs to do, her schedule, some questions that need to be answered, and names that she needs to remember. She even wrote a diary!

A man's voice suddenly made Huli Jing's eyes snap open. The young man who was 'telling a story' looks at the man and talked to him, but immediately went to Huli Jing's side and carried her. She was about to stand up and run toward the man who just came but the young man didn't let her.

He teased her for a bit. Huli Jing angrily looked at him and acted as if she was going to cry. The young man got scared and hurriedly gave her to the man.

The man looks at her gently, making her smile. He looked back at the young man and sternly spoke to the young man and made him go out.

Once the young man was out, the man turns into a gentleman again. He sat down on the fur blankets and made Huli Jing sit on his lap.

The man was talking to her in a smooth voice. Huli Jing is looking at him, fascinated. This man has always been the most handsome man she has ever seen. The man looks a bit like her and that might be the reason why she feels close to him.

Huli Jing snapped at her fascination when the man kept on repeating a word. She looks at him confused and realizes that the man wanted him to repeat what he said.

She listened and repeated the word in her mind before trying to say the word. But her tongue is too difficult to control.

"Daddy!" Huli Jing confidently spoke but was stunned when she heard herself say 'Dwadwy' instead of 'Daddy'.

But the man was already so happy that Huli Jing finally spoke. He kept on repeating it and pointed at himself.

'Oh! That's his name!' Huli Jing thought. Her eyes are shining as she joins 'Daddy' repeating his name, and doesn't care if the way she pronounced it was wrong.

She finally got two names, hers as Jiuweihu or Hu'er, and now the person, a physician named Daddy.

The two who are happily repeating the word Daddy suddenly stopped by a man who flashed toward them.

"Daddy!" The man said pointing at himself.

Dumbfound, Huli Jing looks at the man who just came and looks back at 'Daddy' who she is with.

'Daddy' whose face is black, smiled helplessly at Huli Jing and nodded. Her eyes turn wide and look at them again and again.

'They have the same name!?!?'

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