Our new family is starting to come out good we are having a great time i already made a little home for Bob and i have found something very, very unusual. I have found a baby panda in the middle of no where but the wierd part is we aren't near China and Alyssa's favorite animal is a panda. So i took it home as a surprise and when i showed her she almost cried and said "I love it". We named it Fee-Fee.
"Jake" she said.
"What" i replayed as i was walking out to get more things
"I love you" she said
"I love you too" I said.
When I was in the forrest i found more wood and food i got bananas and some meat from the island little animals. I was finishing up the house when isaw the panda rolling around on the ground and eating some leafs but there was no bamboo to be found. So i was making the last part of the house when i looked over and I see Alyssa coming out of the water with Fee-Fee and Bob. They looked very, very cute.
Now I am gonna join them for a night swim. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.