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Y/n Pov

I was being chased by what the earthlings call a dog and while I could always just end it, I knew that the human was on my computer seeing as I was alerted to activity on it and what would he be doing but trying to find information on me and mono so I've decided to appear as though I'm incompetent no one will suspect a thing about our strength meaning the father will have no reason to kick us out so as long as we don't raise any susp-

Your thoughts are interuppted when you see a very familiar Voe Runner appear in front the home in a blink of an eye. You don't even have a moment to react as the room where the human was and your computer is fired upon by the ship causing the room to crumble. You then hear a voice you'd hoped you never have to hear again

Tak: Hello "General"

She says through the ships speaker as she hovers towards you now spotting you on the street

Tak:The tallest have sent me to personally exterminate you, isn't that fun.

You had no words as she began to charge the turrets on her ship you had very little time to react as you leaped out of the way and to the rubble of the room where you found the human under a piece of the ceiling. you lifted it from him and moved him out of harms way. As you did this you could hear Another explosion behind you where you turned to see Taks ship falling to the ground with a large price of rubble stuck in its side. you looked out from the broken wall to see Mono had been the one who threw the rubble and was now leaping up to taks ship and ripping her from the cockpit throwing her to the street below.

Tak:Damn You!

Mono begins to approach her with tak backing away and pushing a button on her wrist controller causing her ship to release a capsule. The capsule begins to release a thick dark fog creating a dome of no visibility where you know Tak has the advantage you watch as sparks momentarily create light in the dome caused by the clash of Mono and Tak you rush to the dome and enter it being surrounded by pitch black youre heightened senses taking effect. After years of assassin work you could see fairly clearly in the dark but not with your eyes you instead used your antenna to sense vibrations allowing you to "see" just in time to catch Mono who was sent flying at you wounded but alive he appears to have a knife in his shoulder and was cut up a bit but nothing fatal. you exit the form of darkness and spot the human girl and pass Mono to her

Y/n: Watch him and try to treat him best you can I've got to handle Tak

She nods and takes him from you surprisingly able to carry your large companion as you wonder if she's even human. But those are thoughts for another time as you re enter the dome and instantly become silent you know she's listening for you as you are her. You remember that despite you getting the General position Tak was a runner up and in some cases she even performed better then you so you had to very careful as you walk low to the ground taking steps lightly as to not create to many vibrations you suddenly feel and hear a branch snap

Y/n:(Found you)

You rush where you the heard the sound and stab into what you thought was Tak but was actually a tree trunk. You instantly knew that you had been played as you felt a sharp pain in your back you roundhouse kicked Tak back as her laugh echos around you

Tak:What's the matter General Rusty?!

You tried to follow her voice but it sounded as if she was all around you

Tak:You know I never expected you two to go rouge

She said as you feel strikes on your armor from her blades before she disappears into the dark again. but you wonder what she meant by going rouge you and mono had done no such thing

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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