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I stare at the laptop screen while my rough tumb rubs my bottom lip. There are 30 on this side of the room, and another 30 behind me. The screens flip between cameras, and I take it all in with not much effort . I don't usually stay in this room. I like floor more but since I'm the boss..
Shifting in the large desk chair, I let out an easy sigh from the tiresome day.
Club Perez needs extensive security and constant monitoring.
The members, both male and female Dominants, go through extensive training before being allowed to engage in any activity, but accidents are to happen. And sometimes they aren't accidents, no matter how strict our acceptance policies are. It's been quite a while since we've had any issues that required serious attention. But a lot of these members are new to the scene, and with inexperience comes errors.
like Submissives who forget to safe word, and Dominants who don't know the signs that their submissive isn't okay. They get caught up in the moment, and trust that their Submissive use their safe word.
when we intervene it's for those reasons- miscommunication and blind trust.
Most of these people are new and make mistakes but a good dominant should know when enough is enough. That's why I fucking hate safe words.
Mistakes are inevitable but they should be avoided.
All the guards are trained by the best mentors. Protecting the members is number one on our priority list and for that reason, privacy is an illusion at Club Perez.
The only reason why so many trust club Perez is because the environment feels safe.
When a couple exits the club, there must truly be trust between them... except for the auctions. Those are a different beast entirely.
A chill washes through me in a slow wave at the thought of the auction. It's rare that the buyer and the subject don't know one another intimately already. But on occasion, it happens. The reminder heats my blood.
Yet another D/s. I clench my jaw absently, my eyes moving from one screen to the next. I've been to the last six auctions. Although I work here, and workers aren't normally allowed to partake in the scene, I've dabbled in play. Madame silicia turns a blind eye. One of the perks of helping to mold the club and shape it into what it is today.
I sit up straighter in my seat, repositioning myself and keeping my mind from wandering to the dark corners of my mind where my depraved fantasies lie. I'm working, and now is not the time to think about this. There's no one here to fulfill them anyway. I've gotten used to it over the past year.
I watch a monitor on my far left as Asher's attention strays from the large carved maple doors of the front entrance out to the dining hall. He's one of the bouncers at the club, and looks like he was built to work in security. He can't see much of what's going on in the dining hall, but the thick red curtains are pulled back and several girls are on the stage. This isn't any typical club. And it sure as hell isn't a strip club, although some of the men and women do enjoy exotic dancing during theme nights. The reason the women are lined up on the stage is so they can be trained. Regardless, the sight of beautiful women displayed and chatting captures Dominic's attention.
Some of the Submissives are collared, their Dominants giving them permission to learn while they sit patiently in the audience or accompany them onto the stage to do the training themselves. The uncollared Submissives are mostly unattended. One has a suitor, but he's merely watching from the audience.
Being collared is a serious commitment. Only a minority of the couples within the club are collared. Several have paired off and continue their play exclusively, but without a collar the commitment has yet to be made and the Submissive is not off-limits. It's not an offense to not be given a collar, it's simply something that isn't rushed into. There's a sense of respect and commitment surrounding the process, and every Dominant or Master has their own way of going about it.
I've never had the honor of giving out a collar. None of the handful of women I've kept as slaves have wanted to stay. They may have said one thing, but I knew better. I have yet to meet the woman who is my match.
The women on stage I've seen before. The club has regulars, and the exclusive invites rarely allows for new members. It creates an environment of familiarity, which aids in allowing the members to feel at ease.
There are several trainers with them as well. The trainers are experienced in BDSM, another pivotal feature of this club that I played a part in. We needed a safe way for the Submissives and the Dominants to learn. This club isn't a free-for-all. Although each Dominant has their own way of doing things, their own preferences and kinks, and we encourage the variety.
Dressed in leathers, the trainers are lined up and waiting for the women to choose instruments from extensive collection .Their sole purpose is to allow women find their limits
, I think her name is Mia, is concerned about her positioning. Although she's dressed in a simple cream chiffon romper, she's on the waxed floor of the stage, practicing with a trainer offering advice. She's not very graceful. Poor girl. She's going to really have to work on her balance.

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