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The sound of soft, elegant music envelops me as I step into Club, my heels softly thudding against the plush, rich carpet.  It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim, ambient lighting as the bouncer that ushered me in gestures to the center of the foyer before leaving to walk back to his post.  My eyes are drawn over to where he pointed and I inhale a shocked breath at the sight before me.

      The club is absolutely luxurious with a huge ballroom that sports high vaulted ceilings and gorgeous, yet erotic Victorian paintings plastered along all the walls.  My feet walk of their own accord closer to where the hum of chatter is coming from.  In the middle of the enormous room, finely decorated circular tables dot the area, while a large stage lies in the background, its vast red curtains pulled shut.  From what Madam  told me, the stage is used for BDSM shows, though there must not be one scheduled for tonight.  On one side of the room is an upscale bar with blue ambient lighting that contrasts with the red lighting on the walls from the sconces.  It’s all very elegant and alluring.  Every detail exudes sex appeal.

      My body chills as I realize how far I’ve walked in.  I cross my arms over my chest and the bracelet that I found in the box bumps against my breast.  I stare down at it.  It's simple but elegant, just two thin silver bands with an empty space in between.  It means I wish to be a Slave.  It’s my membership here, but also a sign to those who are looking for partners.  Madam Lynn asked me at least half a dozen times if I was sure.  She told me if I changed my mind, I could always have a band put in the middle.  A color that would signify my limits.  But I’m certain.

      I glance up at the large room, and again I’m in awe.

      But all of this pales in comparison to the guests milling about the room.

      Handsome men wearing party masks, some with animal prints, some adorned with angel wings, and others with full joker masks, fill the large space.  Their expensive-looking suits radiate wealth and power, as do their posture and the tone of their voices.  Some are sitting at tables, talking with each other, while others are coming in and out of the room, flowing in from a large hallway off to the side that I’m sure leads to other, darker parts of the club.  But most of the men have one thing in common--a chained, collared and barely dressed woman at their bidding.

      These women follow their Dom or Master with absolute submission, that much is obvious.  They’re all so beautiful too, dressed in sparkly and elegant, yet racy dresses that show off their gorgeous curves.  They look… healthy.  And happy.  It’s what surprises me most.  My body heats with the realization and I lean slightly against the wall, needing support.  This isn’t like my past.  This is the fantasy.

      I take in a shuddering breath, calming myself.  I’m safe here.  I open my eyes and watch as a woman seated in a kneeling position on a pillow next to her Master laughs at something he’s said.  Or maybe he’s her Dom.  I’m not sure.  I can’t see her bracelet or his.  But what I can see is her obvious devotion and his.
      My heart races and as I take in each of the couples, again taken aback by the beautiful clothes they’re wearing, although many of them seem to be no more than scraps of cloth.

      Fingering my newbie tag, I feel self-conscious with my short black dress that comes up above my knees.  It’s not anywhere close to as sexy as the outfits these stunning women have on, but I know I’m just here to check the club out.  I’ll have time to dress like them later… if I decide to join.  I nod at my inner thoughts.  I’m only here to get a taste.  A dark voice deep inside of me stirs, whispering that I belong here.  I ignore it.

      My breath quickens as I watch a Master stop in his tracks to pet his Slave who is obediently following him on her hands and knees.  The room spins around me as I watch him gently stroke her hair, and I clutch a hand to my throat, my lips parted in awe.
      Everything about this place, the luxurious interior, the moody lighting, the powerful men and breathtaking women, is intoxicating!  I take in a deep breath as a euphoric feeling runs through me.  It’s like I’m getting high off my surroundings, drunk off the interaction between the Subs, Doms, Slaves and Masters.  My pulse races, and my core heats.  Seeing these women following around these powerful men obediently, reminds me of how much I crave a Master.  How much I need a Master.

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