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The moment Allison walked in, I was drawn to her. Her gorgeous blonde hair flows almost down to her hips. Her eyes are a paler blue than I thought they were. They're wide and full of curiosity.
My kitten is finally here.

It's killed me to stay away and let her make this decision for herself, but I knew she'd come when she was ready. She wants this. She needs this.

I watched her as she took in the club, walking slowly as she nervously picked at the hem of her dress. Her chest rose with heavy breaths as she peeked into the playrooms. I wanted her to grow accustomed to the club. I wanted her to feel safe here and make herself comfortable with the atmosphere.

But I'm sure as fuck not going to let some prick steal her out from under me before I have a chance.

Livia has his hands on her. Just a firm grip on her chin. But it's a display of ownership and interest. He's debating on whether or not she's worthy to take on as a Slave. Some men like to break them, some like them already trained. In a way, she is both.

But not for him.

She's mine. And he needs to get his hands off of her.

"Kitten," I call out to her past Livia in a voice that makes him turn. My heavy steps echo in the room as I approach. I can feel several eyes on us, but I don't care if I'm making a spectacle. I won't allow it.

He's is known to have dark preferences. Like me in some ways, but darker. He enjoys degradation and humiliation. Or so I've heard. It's his reputation, but he's only been at the club for a few months and he rarely interacts. He's been to every auction though, but he's yet to place a bid. Like me.

I should have known he was waiting for the same thing I was. For her. But he can back the fuck off. He has no idea what she's been through. He can't give her what she needs like I can.

But she doesn't know me. She has no clue what's in store for her. And ultimately it's her choice.

She raises her eyes to mine. A shuddering breath raising her shoulders. There's an instant spark as her breath hitches. Every inch of my skin prickles with recognition. My heart beats faster, and my blood heats with desire. She's kneeling and waiting for a Master. She was waiting for me.

"There's no collar here," he says, looking at me with narrowed eyes. I turn at the sound of his voice, ripping my attention from her and pissing me off even more. Irritated doesn't begin to cover it.

"No, there isn't." I fucking hate that he's right. And I intend on remedying that situation before she leaves. I don't want her in here with anyone thinking they can take her. She's vulnerable, impressionable. I need to make my claim on her now.

"Then you can wait," he says in a cold voice, turning his back to me and stepping to the side to block my view of her. Rage spikes through my blood
Fucking bastard.

My hand balls into a fist and from the corner of my eyes I can see a crowd forming, security making their way over to us. Everyone knows I won't be taking that disrespect lightly. I have no right, but I don't give a fuck. My heart races, and my blood boils. I won't fucking allow it.

She does not belong to him.

I crack my neck, ignoring the approaching footsteps of Joshua and Dominic, and step up to him, my hand pushing on his shoulder to get his attention. I'm ready to beat him to a bloody fucking pulp if I have to, and I have a good feeling it's coming to that.
I'm not a hothead; I'm not an overtly angry person. But when it comes to her, things are different.

His dark eyes dart to mine and his grip on Allison drops as he makes a fist of his own, preparing for what's to come.

But before either of us can do anything, she speaks up, slicing through the thick tension. "No," she says in a strong voice that rings out clearly. She instantly hunches in slightly, regret and fear clearly evident. We both turn to look at her, her wide blue eyes focused on the ground as she struggles to compose herself. Insecurity is washing off of her in waves. She lifts her head to look at Joe, vulnerability shining brightly in her eyes.

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