Overdue Grievances

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"What could Lady Tsaritsa possibly want with all the Gnoses?"

"I believe that is none of your business, Lady Buer."

Act I: Cross-Examination of Lady Tsaritsa
For the first time in 500 years, all seven archons attended the Gathering Day's meeting, but Focalors was hardly happy with the prospect. Although she once wished for a more tense atmosphere, the Hydro Archon couldn't help but feel an unwanted dread as she watched the Tsaritsa sit between Morax and Buer. Nevertheless, she cleared her throat and addressed her colleagues.

"I would like to welcome you all to the Gathering," She stood and took a light bow, an act meant to show that she was taking the lead in the meeting. Once she saw the others rise and bow back to relinquish, she allowed them to return to their seats and continued, "Now then, as you may be aware, we do have an urgent issue brought to our attention by the Pyro Archon. If you may, Lady Murata, you have the floor."

"Thank you, now, Lady Tsaritsa," Murata stood from her seat, eyes burning into the icy gaze of the Cryo Archon, "What has possessed you to think you're allowed to send armed soldiers into Natlan?"

"I assume you're referring to the Fatui? By the accords instituted millennia ago, I believe they are considered diplomats, Lady Murata," Tsaritsa bit back with no hesitation.

"Diplomats do not carry large weapons on their backs and wear armor heavier than Sumpter Beasts."

"Teyvat is a dangerous continent filled with dangerous people, and every citizen carries around a weapon of some kind," The Cryo Archon countered, "I have no intentions to play dumb, but I am failing to see why my diplomats wouldn't be allowed to carry weapons for self-defense."

Before Murata could respond, the voice of the Electro Archon rang throughout the hall, "Allow me to rephrase the accusation for you, Lady Tsaritsa," Beelzebul then rose from her seat and continued, "Diplomats do not have the jurisdiction to initiate an attack on a foreign Archon, nor do they have any right to seize their Gnosis."

"Lady Beelzebul has come to my defense! What an honor~!" Barbatos singed, hardly flinching at the electrifying glare sent his way.

Unlike the Anemo Archon, the Tsaritsa had a more dignifying response, "What the individual members of the Fatui do in their own time have very little to do with the entire organization as a whole."

"Then am I to assume that the diplomat I executed as per the Dueling Code also falls under such a belief?" The Electro Archon asked.

"The death of La Signora was unfortunate, but I will reiterate that I have no intention to interfere in the private affairs of the Fatui Diplomats, even if those affairs had led to their untimely deaths."

"Lady Beelzebul had just admitted to killing one of your people, and you have 'no intention to interfere?'" Although Barbato's voice was light, his eyes held a much harsher emotion, "I never knew the Goddess of Love could be so heartless, Lady Tsaritsa!"

Focalors saw anger flash upon the Tsaritsa's face for a brief moment, but her usual coldness swiftly returned, "You have no right to lecture me about contradictions, Lord Barbatos. May I remind you of Vennessa? Or perhaps the rule of the Lawrence Clan as a whole?"

Barbato's eyes widen as his ever-lasting smile faltered, "The takeover of the Lawrence Clan was entirely out of my control-"

"As was the death of La Signora for me. Although the execution on foreign soil was tragic, it was a justified action carried out by Lady Beelzebul, and I will not waste my heartache on such an event." The Tsaritsa rose from her seat and bowed deeply, "I do apologize for the violent actions of the Fatui Diplomats, but they are first and foremost diplomats and do not mean any serious harm."

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