Hawks; hurt birdy

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eyyyyy, by the way this is based off a one shot someone else wrote! I just re wrote it and added somethings off of their original idea. Also this might become a part two!


Hawks, the winged hero, was well known in Japan. His powers, his strength, his charm, his looks gave him many fans, and fan girls. He couldn't go anywhere without a bunch of people surrounding him asking for autographs, girls screeching, and cameras flashing. He did love the fame and everything that came with being a hero, but sometimes he just got tired of everyone only knowing the Hawks personna of himself.

There was one person he could trust. One person who didn't use their interactions for her gain. She never asked for autographs or pictures. Never told anyone about him. She would simply help Hawks when he needed it, give him food, help him with his injuries, even just watch a movie with him. He had fallen head over heels for her, but he didn't even know what her name was. He thought back to when he had first met her.

It had been a rainy day. Hawks had been in a hard battle and was just trying to get home, not in the right mind to realize that he needed actual medical aid. On his way home he crashed into someone's balcony. He opened his eyes to a girl opening the sliding door on her balcony. That's the last thing he had seen before his vision went dark.

The girl heard a heavy thud outside her window as she got ready for bed. She opened the blinds to discover that it was a person. Not any person though, but rather the famous Crimson winged hero. The wounds that cover his body looked rather serious, and if he stayed in the rain he might get a cold. I'll just bring him in a treat his wounds, he can leave on his own, she thought. She half dragged him, half carried him to her living room, placing him on the coach. She then got the first aid kit and started treating his wounds.

It had already been pretty late at night when she had found Hawks. Now between bringing him in a treating his wounds, it was 2 am. She was exhausted from her personal long day at work. She mentally thanked the heavens that tomorrow was a weekend. The girl went to go get Hawks some blanket and soon came back. She went to her room to lie down for bed but found that she couldn't get any sleep.

At some point early in the morning, Hawks had woken up and recalled what had lead up to him blacking out. He looked at his pre-existing injuries that had been patched up. He assumed that that girl he had seen had done this. He quickly looked for an exit. He opened a bedroom door and saw a balcony. As he opened the sliding door he saw the girl who had sat up in her bed, her eyes locked on him. He froze as he expected her to get up and try to get something from him. She just looked at him.

"Goodnight." She said, her voice sounding like a sleepy lulably, calling Hawks to sleep. He was surprised as she lied back to down to go to sleep. He felt like he needed to say something . This women had stayed up late to take care of him. Did a really good job of patching him up, and didn't even expect anything in return.

"Thank you." He said in a hushed whisper, hoping that she would and wouldn't hear him. He quickly left her apartment, making note of which balcony was her's.

Tonight is the last time I stop by, he thought. He had told himself everytime he had gone to her apartment. She had gotten more comfortable with him. She would tell him about herself, what she did, what she liked, but for some reason never about her family or past. Like that was some kind of dark secret she held close to her heart. She had bought him extra clothes for him to change into after his shower, and then she'd wash his uniform for him. He liked her a lot. He teased her and gave her the pet name baby birdy as he never knew her real name. But he wasn't sure if she felt the same.

He knocked quietly at her window. She had left it unlocked for him but he still thought it was polite to knock. Soft footsteps came quickly as she got out of her bed to open the door for him. He was about a head taller than the girl. With the lights being off in her room, and the sun had already set, he couldn't see her face but rather make out the outline of it.

"Did I wake you?" He asked. He was happy to see her, but he suppressed the urge to hug her close.

"N-no." She said, her voice trembled just slightly, barely enough for someone who was paying attention to notice. But Hawks being Hawks, heard it. He gentle grabbed her hand and tried to pull her along with him to the living room. When they reached the edge of her bedroom, she pulled her hand back. "I'm going to go to bed, unless you have some wounds that you need to help with." She said while looking at the floor, trying to keep the fact she had just been crying hidden. Tears decided to start racing down her face.

"Hey, baby birdy," he said soothingly. "Why are you crying?" He pulled her in fro a hug and she followed. They stood there for a minute. She pulled down to the floor, their backs against the wall. She tried to hold down her sobs but they came up when he started to rub her back. After a couple of minutes of straight up crying she tried saying something.

"I'm sorry," She choked out. Her voice really broken, the way someone sounds when their whole world was torn up from around them. He brought her in for a hug.

"Oh birdy," he said, "Why are you sorry?"

"Because you have to deal with me Hawks, hell you don't even know my name!" She cried.

"You've taken care of me everytime I was at my lowest, don't you think it's my turn?" He tried to reason with her. She just ignored that and shook her head, trying to control her tears. He paused for a minute, figuring out what to say as he wasn't good a comforting words.

"My name is Keigo Takami." He said bluntly. She turned her head to him and stared at him.

"How-why do you trust me, that's top secret." She said. Keigo looked at her softly.

"If I didn't trust you, why would I be here? You always helped me, never asking for anything in return. I trust you birdy." He said.

"My name," She took in a deep breath. She knew that he would know her last name, "is Y/n L/n." He stared at her processing the name which seemed so familiar. Then it hit him. When he was around 13, there had been a big news about a group of villains who's leader was called L/n. He had a girl around Keigo's age which L/n made commit crimes against her will. She had been saved and after that she wasn't heard of again. She was allowed to live a normal life but she wasn't allowed to use her quirk due to family matters. Her quirk was a large wasted potential.

Y/n had worked hard to get out of that dark time. She had become successful in her career, and created a life for herself. Except recently her father died. He had left a letter for her. Y/n was given the letter that day and everything she had done to get out of the dark place crumbled. She hadn't even opened it. Burned it with her quirk. Of course he father just had to have the last word, he was always like that. Everything was about him and never about her. She wanted to have lived a normal life, become a hero, not have to live with the awful training he made her to do to get "stronger." It wasn't fucking fair.

"You can tell me if you'd like." Keigo's calm voice took her out of her racing thoughts. She didn't want to tell, not now. She just wanted to be held. She needed him to stop her from falling into that dark hole. She looked at him. Her face wet from crying.

"Stop me if I go too far." Y/n said as she leaned in to kiss him. He wanted this. This wasn't a lustful kiss that he'd had with other people, but rather one of needed and love. It wasn't steamy or overly long. He pulled her in for a hug after.

"I'm always going to be here for you." Keigo said.

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