Boss hangout (w/female ham oc)

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You stare at your owner in distress, why does she always spend almost 20 minutes picking out an outfit? What was it with humans and clothing? you tilt you head and wonder

"Pink? Or beige? My white jacket? Or my Jean skirt?" Your owner exclaimed. She lets out a really exhausted sigh and finally chooses the Jean skirt,

she gets dressed and crouched down to my glitter cage which is filled with toys and sunflower seeds,

"You be good while I'm out ok y/n?" Your owner tells you while booping your nose, jeez it can be very annoying when she boops my nose, doesn't she now by now I don't appreciate that? She then grabs her seashell patterned backpack and blows a kiss to me.

"Bye y/n!" She then closes the door gently and walks downstairs, I stand there making sure she didn't forget anything, she may be annoying and giddy sometimes,

but a deep down feeling in me still tolerates her presence, when she doesn't return after 1 minute of me standing on my wheel,

I scurry my way out the cage and crawl up the wall making my way to the window, I watch her meet up with her cheesy friend,

I shake my head as they do a weird hand gesture where they clap their hand with the other and laugh, I stare in astonishment, "Well that was, interesting..."

I say with a slight frown with my head tilted, I look towards the tree next to my house. "I wonder if Boss is home"

I say as I hop on to a nearby branch. I then slide down and land gracefully on the nice smelling grass, "Hiff Hiff!" I Hiff at the grass as I take in that sweet smell of spring times arrival,

"y/n! Hamha!" I hear a familiar grunting deep voice and turn around to see Boss, "Oh! Hi Boss!" I say happy to see him I look around and then back at him,

"Where's everyone else?" I ask with as we make it to the club, "Hamtaro And Oxnard are stuck at home,

Stan and Sandy went to someplace called Florida? Oh and the others had plans, all except for Snoozer of course" Boss elaborates, I always wonder if Snoozer will ever wake up

"Hique? Aw man, I was really looking forward to helping Bijju try a new hairdo" I say with a sigh, Boss looks apologetic. "Well- there are still other things we could do!" Boss says perking up, I tilt my head back up at him.

"Oh really? Like what?" I ask my nose twitching Boss grabs my left shoulder, "Think! What do we usually do?" Boss exclaims I hum and put one paw on my head as to think, finally, I lightbulb comes on. "I KNOW!" I yell proudly,

Boss takes his hand off my shoulder and smiles. We are now holding on to a speeding motorcycle "H-HAMT-TARO WOULDN'T DO TH-!" Boss said as he held him paws to his mouth in a failed attempt to hold his sunflower seeds,

I am treating the motorcycle like a surfing board, "WELL I AIN'T HAMTARO! AND THIS IS FUNNN!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs in pure excitement.

We finally get of the motorcycle and Boss is all wobbly and his eyes look like their spinning I notice this and suddenly concern takes control "Hey Boss you feeling ok?"

"Ohhhhh~" Boss moans and he covers his mouth with his paws. "Why don't we do something a bit milder?" I smile slightly in shame. Boss holds his paws to his stomach

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