Till' we meet again...(Jingle hangout w/male ham oc)

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You are now a nameless hamster, (because therefore I ran outta names and I'm not naming this hamster rock or paper...) Enjoy! (Don't worry, no filth here 😇 you are safe now)


I ended up walking a little too far away from the clubhouse, and walked into the city, it's really hot today and the sidewalk feels as if I'm walking on a skillet,

Boss told me that there was something he needed me to grab behind a restaurant building that was really important, why couldn't he get it himself?

I didn't know where this place was, did he just expect me to find it on my own? He didn't even give me a

map or nothing, so I was just left with panning alleyways or every restaurant I saw, and I even looked behind food markets in case

there was a mix up, He could've even had Hamtaro come with me, but he probably hasn't traveled these city streets enough himself,

Maxwell would've probably had a map for this city for me, which would be so much more effective,

but my pea brain forgot to ask, oh wait! He wasn't here today, Bijju would definitely not be a very good guide,

something tells me that'd she and I would end up getting lost somewhere together as she hasn't

roamed the city by herself like I have since I was a baby ham, of course, I could stop pondering

over what I could've done, and face the consequences, on what I had indeed done, and hope things work out.

"Ughhh... I'm turning back...I've looked everywhere!"

I shouted to the sky, the reality of what I said is that I really

have not looked everywhere, the fact I said so without a care shows that the real fact is that I'm so hungry I could eat a bear,

my blood sugar was way too low, I began to crave a sunflower seed dough cookie, with sugar spices and cinnamon ooh!

how I would love those things too, wait, why am I rhyming right now? Have I become so hungry I became loopy?

Jeez, I really need to go home, the sidewalk is burning my paws and the suns light is unbearable,

this entire excursion was just upright terrible, I'm hungry and lost, far away from home, it is here I realize just how far I really roamed,

why am I rhyming again? Do I need some water? A sunflower seed? I should've brought my fannypack that

Pashmena crocheted for me, it would've done me some good, I soon began to walk further and further away,

farther from the path of the streets and cars I was lead astray, my stomach began to growl and gurgle for my attention,

so I laid down somewhere under a shade to get a little breather, and panted under the heat, oh how badly I need something to eat, I tilted my head back on the tiny side

of the bucket I was against just at the brink, I look at the sea and get a painful reminder, on just how badly I needed a drink,

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