You are my sunshine (Maxwell x Sandy ship scenario)

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Yes yes I know I said I wouldn't be writing ships, but this is an excuse! Because Maxwell and Sandy is an actual ship, it's not like I'm pairing them unreasonably, watch the show if you don't believe me 👀 I know nobody watches it anymore and people may hardly notice this book anyway but c'mon y'all, anyways there's no smut or lemon or lime action going on here, if you get turned on by hamsters loving each other, somethin' is wrong with u ham hams 👀👀👀👀👀 (jk don't attack me, plz enjoy T ∆ T)

Maxwell's POV:

I watched from the side of a bush while Sandy was doing her usual ribbon routine while singing the song

that her and her twin brother made together when they were just little hamsters, the way she sung it sounded very beautiful, like a soft and cooling breeze on a hot summer evening, like honey pouring down onto some toast, every little note

in her voice, the way she synched her ribbon to dance along with the lovely melody, everything about it made me really begin to realize how much I liked her,

I'd never have the guts to go up and tell her though, I'm just the book worm around here, she'd probably wouldn't find me very intriguing.

I mean, just look at her, she's a beautiful hamster with athletic hobbies and a voice like velvet, where none the less you'll find me sitting somewhere reading,

of course I love reading, I've learnt so much useful things from doing so, but I fear sometimes that I may be too boring or nerdy for her,

When she was done with her song she looked up into the sunlight and smiled, I smiled too, she has a very amazing smile, A smile brighter than many suns and stars combined,

I walk away from the bush and head back to the clubhouse, while still thinking about her, does she even like me?

what if she likes another? Maybe she's already with someone? I know I'm being ridiculous, but

I feel like I'm very much out of her league


I ended up falling, lost in my thoughts have cost me my alertness, and I ended up knocking poor Hamtaro over,

"Oh, I'm sorry Hamtaro."

I picked him back up on his feet,

"It's ok Maxwell, just watch where you're going next time ok?"

Hamtaro said kindly smiling,

I nodded in response and he walked away, then I stood for a while feeling sad again, Hamtaro seems to somehow have noticed,

"Hey Maxwell? Are...Are you okay?"

He asked walking back to me,

"Yes, fine, just...gonna go read a book or something."

I walked off and went into the clubhouse, I walked down the sliding area and opened the door, Bijju, Pashmena,

Penelope and Cappy were currently making something really colorful on the floor,

I felt liked they'd be down here, I sighed and sat down on one of the seats around the meeting table and cracked open my book I usually read,

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