Hamflu season (all ham hams w/female oc)

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You ended up getting sick from the flu, and it's really affecting you, so badly that you end up having to stay home with your owner, your owner came down with the same thing so he takes a couple days off from school, luckily for you the ham hams came over to take care of you, this hamster's name is Tiara, you live in a big mansion and come from a family of great wealth, but your family moved in to a more laid back town in (Does anyone know where exactly the storyline of Hamtaro take place? I know very little Japanese city's and towns so help me out here 😅) Anyways enjoy my very few ham hams! (Plz comment and like 😘)

Quick lesson!

Hamchu: Kind

Hamha!: Hello! Good morning!

Ouchichi: Ouch

Hif Hif!: Sniffing sounds mostly from the anime and Ham Ham Heartbreak

Sha Shaa!: Sneaking, hiding, creeping up on.

Bye-Q!: Goodbye!

I'll have a whole list on the terms and stuff on this in the next chapter, don't worry I'm still learning this myself!

Tiara's POV:

"Ouchichi..." I groaned as moving only brought me pain, I came down with a really bad flu and I've been currently having trouble breathing lately,

I keep coughing, wheezing and sneezing, and my entire body feels like a furnace, my owner sadly is sick too, I believe I caught it from him as I was trying to help him feel better,

my owner's name is Kyoya, he's really usually laid back and down to earth, he has black hair, A front part of it almost covering his eyes, and he's usually wearing

something navy blue or black, and has an black earing on his left ear and under his mouth, he seems to always end up being a lady magnet, and girls constantly

come over to visit, lately it's only been one visiting, she comes over to check on him and I from time to time, as her mother is a nurse, and her father is a veterinarian, she comes over

to bring my owner teas, gifts and constant care, I like her to be honest, she's really nice to him and me, and she has such a caring touch, and she always advised us both to get some much needed rest,

I would be at the clubhouse today, but I'm too weak and frail to escape out of my containment, and I would hate it if someone else were to catch what I was dealing with,

so I stayed put, and sighed, softly drifting off to slumber,

"Tiara? Are you okay? We've come to check on you!"

I heard the familiar voices outside my window, where my cage always sat, so that I could look out at the beauty of the outdoors, but I didn't open my eyes, I dared not move,

because I felt like I was about to hurl, I felt hot and cold at the same time,


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