[3] TAG

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"I'm doing this," the bald male spoke seriously, sweat dripping down his forehead as he looked around the room, his eyes stopping on Airi as he spotted her ranking. "If I lose I'll become a monk for the rest of my life."

Everyone was tense, ready to take action as soon as the ball moved. The clock was ticking down each second, each second determined who stayed and who had to leave. The male then proceeded to rush after Airi, his feet kicking the ball forward and towards the pinkette.

Airi ran towards a group of four boys, but the monk shot the ball straight forwards her. The ball moved fast, but Airi was faster. She quickly jumped up in the air, barely dodging the ball. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

She moved closer towards the sleeping boy, her mind racing with how to survive this. It was everyone versus everyone. Everyone is for themselves.

"This is ridiculous," she heard Kira exclaim, "I'm just here to prove him wrong." She let out a short laugh. Good luck with that, Jinpachi was stubborn.

She heard the ball harshly hit another wall, and a blonde barely dodged it. "Don't mess with me!" He angrily shouted,

"I can't hit anyone!" The boy who still had the ball cried out, running back to the ball. As the ball was still moving, it slowly stopped in front of the sleeping boy near Airi. Her blue orbs stared at the bald guy, who was running after it. Was he really going to take the shot unfairly and hit the sleeping male?

The male smirked and was about to kick the ball, "He's still asleep!" As he went to kick it, the sleeping male placed his hands onto the floor and lifted his body up into the air, sending a kick right into the bald guy's face. He was awake this whole time?

"Hey! That's a foul!" The bald-monk yelled out, holding his face while pointing to the black with yellow undertones male. The guy rubbed his face sleepily, yawning in the process. "Only handball are against the rules, right?"

"Morning!" He said, looking around the room.  Airi stepped further away and closer to Isagi, since the ball was near the other two. She was still on guard, waiting for anything to happen.

"Hey," The ginger from earlier came up to the ravenette, placing his hand on his shoulder, "that was dirty play. Play fair."

Wasn't what the bald monk doing unfair too? The guy was supposedly sleeping. She watched their interaction and then spotted the ball soaring through the air, right towards the ginger's face. She cringed as she saw the ball hit directly into the male's face.

The monk smiled, as his leg was still raised in the air. The ginger slowly turned his face towards the monk, his whole aura radiating anger. 

"Uh oh," Airi whispered out loud towards Isagi, making the male let out a small laugh, only the two of them could hear.

"Bastard!" The ginger yelled, his face full of anger, "I'll destroy you!" Airi sweat dropped at that statement. She was ready for fight or flight. 

The monk ran towards Isagi and Airi, reaching towards the pinkette and grabbing her harshly. He dragged her in front of him, using her as a body shield, but she quickly kicked him in the shin, making his hold on her loosen, to where she side-stepped. 

Before the ginger could kick, the monk grabbed ahold on Isagi and held him tightly in a choke-hold. The sound of the ball soaring through the air caught Airi's attention as she witnessed the powerful kick land right into Isagi's stomach, sending him flying backwards.

"Isagi!" Airi called out, her legs instantly bringing her towards the male who fell to the ground. She stopped midway as she watched the screen change it's attacker, her heart fell. She wanted to help him get back up, since it reminded her of her old soccer days, yet she couldn't. 

"Sorry!" The ginger yelled out, "Wrong person!" Isagi was on the ground coughing. He took a very strong hit, and Airi is just thankful it wasn't her.

The clock sounded throughout the room, and her blue eyes glanced at the clock. Exactly one minute left. The clock was ticking down, could Isagi and her survive the one minute? Isagi lifted himself of the ground, his face frowning as he kicked the ball directly between two males.

Everyone started running with Isagi running after them. Isagi then turned his attention to Airi for a split second, before looking directly at the monk. 

Fifty seconds left.

Isagi chased after the bald monk, "Can't catch me!"

Forty seconds left, and Isagi was still chasing after him. Was he going to take the chance and survive?

Airi heard a light giggle throughout the shared room, and her attention turned to the yellow-undertoned male, a smile was on his face as he was piggy-back on the ginger, the ginger fighting to get him off.

"Get off me you little shit!" The ginger yelled, swinging his arms around trying to knock the male off.

"Here's your chance!" He exclaimed, making Isagi stop in his tracks. Was he really going to aim after the ginger?

"Play fair!" The ginger shouted, grabbing the yellow-undertoned male and throwing him off his shoulder, directly into the monk. The monk fell to the ground, twisting his ankle in the process.

Everything stopped in those last seconds, his ankle was hurt. Was Isagi going to finally get him eliminated?

"Isagi! Hit him!" Kira shouted, his eyes looking crazed as sweat dripped down his forehead.

Twenty-five seconds.

Isagi walked closer, contemplating on who he was going after. Airi cringed, The guy who played unfair all game was now stuck on the ground with a hurt ankle. All of his work was about to go down the drain.

With his foot on the ball, He went to go kick the ball, but he stopped. "That's not right," he spoke out loud.

Everyone looked at him, staring, waiting for him to make his move. Isagi turned around, his eyes lit up with a new spark in them. Airi stepped back, observing the change in Isagi. He started running the opposite direction, before the yellow-undertoned male stood in front of him, pointing at him.

"I like you," He started, a manical grin on his face. "You're right, if you want to beat someone, go after the stronger one." He then raced towards Isagi, stealing the ball in those last ten seconds.

The boy raced after Kira, and Kira started running back, his eyes wide as he was being targeted.  The boy let out a giggle before sending the ball at the white-haired male. Kira jumped into the air, just like how Airi did, barely dodging the ball.

He dropped back to the ground and the male sent a kick straight to his face, which he almost got his head kicked off.

Six seconds.

Kira raced towards Isagi as the male did a handstand, kicking the ball backwards towards Isagi. As she was watching it, Airi witnessed the three play monkey in the middle, or that's what it at least looked like to her.

The ball landed in front of Isagi with three seconds left. A crazed look was in his eyes as he went to kick the ball.

"Boom!" The light voice of the crazed yellow-undertoned male shouted, the ball hitting Kira right in the face as the timer dinged.

Kira was eliminated.

Airi let out a deep breath of relief, she somehow survived, though they barely went after her, thankfully. She made it. Even though she could care less if she was here.

She gulped, feeling the anger radiate off of Kira. Now, it was time to face the aftermath of this little game her brother set up.

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