||Chapter 1: The Missing People||

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"This doesn't make sense."
Quentin paced the barn, he had been keeping all his things in there for the investigation,"Why are the resistants pinning this all on the Crow, who is this Raven and why is it kidnapping the residents?", the cat watched the reporter paced back amd forth as he kept recapping himself on everything he knows about everything.
Quentin sighed, finally sitting down on the bed of hay and took his glasses off for a quick clean,"I feel like I'm going in circles, I know Mr Peterson knows something or even has something to do with the disappearance.
The cat just licked it's paw, Quentin sighed as he put his glasses back on,"You're not helping.", Quentin then heard a car, peaking out of the barn window he saw Mr Peterson was back from. . . Who knows where.
Quentin picked up his camera, zooming in so he could better look of what he was doing or something.
Mr Peterson just had a bag of groceries and more stuff for his house like equipment and tools.
"Hm. . . Nothing out of ordinary-Nevermind, he set a bear trap on his porch."
Quentin sighed,"There has to be some connections to the missing people because all the posters are of children for crying out loud.", Quentin rubbed his eyes and decided to just pick this up tomorrow again.
"Night cat."


"Morning Mayor."
Quentin stopped by to hopefully speak to the mayor more about the missing people,"What questions have you came to trouble me with today?", "I wanted ask some more details about the missing people.", Mayor sighed, turning from his hedge cutting to answer the questions the reporter had,"The missing people, I realised a majority of them are children, did they have any connection to one another?", Mayor chuckled,"Course they did. All of them use to play together and cause all sorts of shenanigans in the neighbourhood.", Quentin made a note of that, so they all had a connection to them,"Did anyone have a reason to kidnap them or for them to go missing??", the Mayor wagged his finger,"Let's not throw out the word kidnap. But kids are rambunctious creatures, they always let their imagination get the best of them which lead to some situations that involved breaking into Mr Peterson's house.", Quentin paused, so a group kids tried to break into the house of Mr Peterson.
Guess he wasn't the first and hopefully none of them got in trouble.
"Is that all?"
"What happened to their parents after they ment missing?"
The Mayor sighed, picking up his sheers and continued to cut the hedge,"Well, they moved out of town.", Quentin nods, backing up and left him to his hedge cutting.
. . .
"Maybe I can try and get in contact with the parents."
Quentin sighed, fixing his hat as he left the Mayor to work on the hedges.

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