||Chapter 2: Interview||

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Quentin drove out of town with the documents of the missing people's parents.
Admittedly he had to steal them from the cops, but it's not lile the cops will notice after all he's broken in a bunch of times and no has called him out for it yet so they must really not keep track of their things.
Quentin took out his phone and hit record to remember everything.
"On my way to meet the missing people's associates, a majority of the missing people seem to be kids but also journalists and cops, could this all be connected by to Mr Peterson but what would be his motivation to commit many crimes."
He ended the recording.
"And then there's the crow. . . Could Mr Peterson be the Crow??"
No, the Crow's got some unnatural movement to it and he's seen the Neighbour in the window when he was being chased by the Crow but it had to work for the Neighbour.
Quentin passed the sign letting him know he was out of Raven Brooks so all he had to do was focus on the task at hand and find out more about the missing residents.
"2 kids went missing, then not long after 3 girls and 3 boys. . ."
Quentin parked his car and walked up to the house.


"Thank you for agreeing to this. . . I know this must be hard."
The mother of the one of the kids nods, Quentin hit record on his phone and prepared his notebook.
"What can you tell me about the disappearance of the children?"
The mother took out a tissue,"Well. . . All them were Neighbour friends, they went outside to play every single day and were very close. Though. . . I noticed that my child was being more secretive and seemed shaken by something, but no matter what I did she would never tell me what was going on.", the mother wiped away tears,"And now she's gone. . . And her friends. . .", Quentin nods, letting her have a moment,"After they disappeared, was there any other incidents or clues to what happened to them.", the mother nods, standing up and going towards a cupboard,"The police couldn't do much but, I found this in my daughter's room and I could never make sense.", she put down a huge page, looking at it Quentin realised this was some layout of some place along side marked with traps and different ways to get in.
"What the?"
"I assumed they were playing a game, and during the day they must have been snatched."
Quentin nods,"May I keep this, for the investigation.", she nods, Quentin continued,"How many kids have gone missing?", the mother sighed, throwing the tissue in the bin,"9. . .", Quentin frowned, 9 that can't be right as he was told 10 kids had gone missing minus the trick or treaters from recent events.
"Yes, 9. . . Well, it would have been 10 but it changed after one child came back alive but. . . Traumatised and beaten.", Quentin perked up,"One escaped?", she nods,"Bless the poor one.", Quentin saw this as hope, if one escaped then maybe this was his chance to find out the truth.
"Is it possible I can get their name and maybe talk to them?"
The lady nods, holding out a page and Quentin had another missing person report.
"Thanks, I'll be sure to find her-"
. . .
"I know his name is Nicky Roth, but he's a male and he lives not too far from here."
"Thank you."

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