||Chapter 11: The Basement||

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Ow. . .
Nicky sat up with a pain in his neck and head,"How deep does the Basement go, I must have whacked my head against the stair or the bottom. Where am I?", Nicky looked around him, wait- This was his old neighbourhood!
Mr Peterson's house wasn't boarded up and the Neighbourhood looked quiet and peaceful.
So much that you wouldn't guess something to be wrong.
"Are you doing anything for the holidays?"
". . ."
Nicky looked to his left as he stood up, seeing himself and. . . Aaron.
This was back before he had gone missing, before Nicky was kidnapped and before he had lost everything.
"Aaron, bro you've been quiet all day, is everything okay?"
". . ."
Aaron turned to younger Nicky,"Nicky, we're best friends right?", "Yeah! You and me are best friends, why?", Aaron swung of the swung as Nicky watched him on his own swing,"Uhm. . . Just wanted to ask, because. . . You know, with Mia gone. . .", Younger Nicky nods, understanding that people were still trying to find her,"It's okay, Aaron. We're always going to be best friends and we'll find Mia.", Aaron nods, now seeing this memory Aaron looked more scared and seemed close to crying, Aaron must have felt so quietly back then for what he had done. . .
"Aaron! Come inside now."
"I-I better go now."
"See you tomorrow, Aaron!"
Nicky watched himself go back home waving and smiling to both Mr Peterson and Aaron, who smiled back sadly,"Y-Yeah, see you tomorrow Nicky to play again. . .", he know didn't he?
Did he know something bad was goin⁹8g to happen.
And Nicky remembered the day after, he had knocked on Mr Peterson's door and asked if Aaron could come out to play but was told Aaron was away with a relative for a while.
. . .
Not like he believed it.
"Do you recall him. . .?"
Nicky was once again face to face with some shadow, it looked like him but was completely blacked out and had glowing white eyes.


Nicky found himself in darkness, but he could feel the cold floor beneath him and when pulling himself to his feet and rubbing his neck and head again.
Down the hall he saw a door. . .
Just a singular door. . .
Nicky balanced himself, taking a deep breath he began to walk down the hall and focused on the light was coming from inside the room and feeling the walls to have some understanding of what's around him but he just felt pipes.
He came to the door, he rested his hand on the door handle, pushed it down and entered the lit room.


"What the. . ."
The room was huge.
It had regular Basement stuff, old junk, equipment and boxes but also had a single mattress on the floor, toys and a. . . Grave stone area.
He worked towards the graves and choked up seeing her friends names on each grave.
"He really did kill you guys. . ."
He looked around, trying to hold back tears for his friends but a realisation hit him.
Wasn't this the room Mr Peterson had held him in.
There was the basketball, a cardboard cutout of someone, a basketball hoop on the back of the door and it looked like one side of this basement was a room.
"Was this where Aaron. . .?"
The cardboard cutout did look like him especially seeing as Aaron was drawn onto it.
Checking the desk, he found a notebook and opened it to find familiar handwriting on it.

Update 5#:

I'll never be able to see Nicky again.
Dad's locked me in the basement, saying he was doing this for my own good like having me medication for my aggressive behaviour and violence but I don't want the medication or to be locked up here!
I know I did a terrible thing to Mia but Dad's losing his mind just as much as I am!

Update 6#:

Dad's been coming down here more often, talking about Mia's old pet Crow or the kids in the neighbourhood.
I've been basically watching paint dry at this point.

Update 7#:

My dad really has lost his mind!
He came in, with Nicky!
Nicky was unconscious but looked a little roughed up but Dad refused to tell me why he was here.
I placed the key to escape in his short pocket so he can ran from my dad's messed up plan.
His plan?
He wanted to Brianwash Nicky, Brianwash him into staying here forever and being his replacement son to me, manipulate him into staying inside the house at all times so no one would take him back to his house.
. . .
Hopefully Nicky managed to escape.
I can hear dad.

Update 8#:

My dad came and brought in his workshop, I could immediately tell he was going to do something so this is my last update.
Nicky if you're reading this or my friends, cops or just someone.
I'm sorry for what I did to Mia and I'm sorry that I couldn't warn you of my dad, I can hear someone's footsteps above: What's dad going to make me do?!

Nicky sat there in silence as he closed the notebook, so that's why Mr Peterson had kept him alive despite what he knew; He wanted to Brianwash him to become his son.
. . .
Nicky jumped and turned around to see the Crow, Nicky pulled out a crowbar and pointed it at the The Guest,"Who. . . Or what are you. . .", the bird man-thing, stared at him or Nicky thinks it was staring at him.
Then he began to shapeshift into his dead friends, Quentin, people from Raven Brook and Mr Peterson before it settled on what looked to be it's final form.
. . .
A much older man stood there, he looked like Mr Peterson but looked kinder, more tired and didn't look alive more.
Like he was brought back from the dead.
But there was no mistake that he looked like Aaron.
.   .   .
The man walked towards Nicky, Nicky gripped his weapon in fear of him but all he did was hug Nicky.
"It's been so long, Nicky. . ."

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