||Chapter 4: Raven Brook||

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"Theme Park Creator?"
Nicky nods,"Yes, last I remember at least, not sure if he's still doing it.", Quentin drove into Raven Brooks and Nicky couldn't help but scratch the car door handle.
He hadn't been back here since the incident, he really didn't think he would be back but here he was again.
The car stopped outside of a barn,"I'm guessing you've been in the barn?", "Yeah, seeing as it's not far from the house of the neighbours.", they got out of the car, Nicky pulled his hood up just to be on the safe side and hope the Mr Peterson didn't recognise him.
"Let's go inside so I can catch you up on a few things."


"So wait- You're telling me that someone dressed as a Crow is helping the Neighbour kidnap children and people?", Quentin nods,"Yes! I know this because it nearly dragged me back into the house of Mr Peterson. And this thing, is far from being any human! I've seen this thing take forms of different people and it's able to move it's body in. . . Uncomfortable and non human like way.", Nicky shuddered,"I don't think I wanna know or see that.", Quentin nods, then he showed Nicky the pictures he got of the Crow and it's activities.
"What on earth. . ."
"See what I mean."
Nicky stared at the photos,"What's in the bag?", "I don't know. But the Crow is usually in the theme park and guarding some Golden Apple.", Nicky frowned,"Golden Apple. . .", "Yeah, I found it once when I was looking for clues but it looked to have been buried.", "Oh, that's what he buried there?", Nicky gave the pictures back to Quentin,"He buried something in the theme park but I never found out what it was or why he buried it there but uh an apple of all things?", Quentin shrugged,"I'm just as confused.", Quentin put them back on the board he had,"But it seems like this creature could be working for Mr Peterson, why; I don't know. But all the missing people seemed to have some sort of threat.", Quentin showed Nicky the posters of all the missing people,"All of them use to be out of town before moving here to investigate the missing people before joining the missing people report.", Nicky sighed, looking at the posters and seeing his old friends.
. . .
"I'm sorry. . . I know it must not be good to be dragged back into this."
Nicky turned to Quentin,"I want to find out what happened to them, this time I won't fail.",Quentin smiled, then they heard a doorbell ringing and looked out the barn shutters.
"What the. . .?"
"Who's that?. . ."
It looked a teenager, from the looks of it he was going to prank the neighbour.
They saw the Crow just above the teen, the Crow had some unnatural movement as it approached the teen and let out a huge sound!
Nicky covered his ears and in a blink of an eye the teen was gone and the Crow climbed away.
"What the fuck. . ."
"We need to get to the bottom of this. . ."

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