Isnt it midnight?

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1976, Stevies POV:

I always hated these nights, the ones when everyone would go out and party, bring groups of people back to the hotel and drink, while I would be sat alone in bed.

It hurt hearing Lindsay with other women right outside my door. I knew they were most likely one night stands and him just getting with any woman available that night but I still missed him.

All of a sudden it went quiet. Usually it went on all night or the sound faded as they left but not so abruptly. It only took a few seconds for that silence to be broken one again but it was different.

'John, stop, you don't know what your doing. Calm down.' I instantly recognised Christine's calm voice but then she started screaming and things were smashing. I had to do something because clearly this more than John regular drunk rampages.

I opened the door but Chris was already there and without a word pushed passed me into my room. I glanced down the corridor but I didn't seem to see anything. I locked the door and turned to Christine who was frantically looking for tissues.

'Chris what's wrong?' I asked. Clearly, she was not ok, mascara was running down her face, her dress was torn and I had never seen her look so panicked.

'everything, I don't know what's come over him, his drinkings been worse, he's constantly angry and there's nothing I can do' she could barely get the words out,' I tried to talking him, I really tried but he just tries to hurt me.'

She started sobbing and rubbing her eyes with her palms.

'Hey, stop that' I pulled her hands off her face clutching them in mine as I stood facing her, 'you can spend the night with me'

At that moment the clouds parted just enough so the moon shone directly through the window onto Christine's face which her tears made her look like she was sparkling. Just then time stopped, perhaps not the best time for it, but that was the first moment  I registered how beautiful Christine was. Then, I kissed her, I'll never know why I did and I have no idea what impulsive thought I had to go for it with no consideration that she would freak out. But the oddest thing was that she didn't. I didn't kiss her for very long or anything but I was surprised at her little reaction. We both said nothing and stared into eachothers eyes. I felt like I had to apologise but I just didn't.

Eventually, Chris walked over to the window and wiped the condescension of the corners, peering out into the night.

'I want to go down there' she said softly

I walked over to join her and pressed my face up against the glass and looked out onto the hotel lands.

'There,... right now' she pointed at a small flower garden singled out by a stream that severed it from the rest of the yard

'Come on then' I grabbed her hand and walked her to the the door. The entire time she said nothing but I could tell she was surprised that I immediately agreed to her request. If I were giving more thought I would have realised this was unusual for Chris and asked her if she was unwell or something but I could not get over of the feeling of love I had for her for no real reason.

We walked through the empty hotel when we reached the door in the back room which was locked.
'shit' I said trying to jiggle the handle.
I realised I didn't have Chris's hand anymore so I turned to look at her and she had managed to open the large window beside it. I helped her keep it up as she jumped through it on the lawn.

For some reason it felt like we were breaking into something so I was reluctant to climb through but as I looked at Christine's face, I just did. As I landed on the grass, Chris sprinted across the yard and I ran beside her. She looked so happy, and had a big grin on her face which contrasted the mascara down her cheeks. I have no idea why we didn't speak but it didn't feel like we needed to.

We halted at an black gate that was luckily open, leading us too a moonlit flower garden. Chris immediately began to walk around and explore but I just stood in awe. It looked even more beautiful than from the window. The stream water appeared to be glowing and everything had a pale blue tint. Chris had always had a liking to plants so to see her look so delighted after a second ago made me smile. Eventually she turned back to face me.

'Can you teach me how to twirl like you do?' She asked. Chris wasn't much of dancer however I knew she enjoyed doing it, so I was honoured.

'Right here?'

'We've not been alone much this tour and it's beautiful here so why not?' She was right, and I did love hanging out with her so I gladly accepted. Though in the back of my mind I thought it was a little late for a sudden dance lesson, but I don't regret my lack of hesitation.

It must have been hours we spent out there, but I was mesmerised as she spun around in her flowy white dress and eventually we both ended up on floor staring up at the stars.

I have faint memory of what happened next but we both ended up in my bed and the last moment we shared before we fell was asleep was me wiping the makeup of her face and telling her how pretty she was. Before we layed beneath the covers and the entire interaction of earlier had sunk in. Why did I kiss her? And more importantly why didn't she say anything? There was one thing I knew though. I was in love with her.

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