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I woke the next morning with the sun blazing on my eyes. I pushed myself to sit up and and rubbed my eyes before turning to Christine who was laying beside me.

She hadn't changed since yesterday and her silky white dress still draped her body. She looked like a goddess. Her porcelain-like face and flushed cheeks looked so perfect it was hard to believe I was the presence of such a person let alone sleeping beside her. She must have caught on to the fact I was staring at her because after a few minutes she opened her eyelids to reveal her glassy blue irises.

She woke with such elegance and she sat up to face me, her blonde curls falling gracefully on her face.

'Thanks' she said, our eyes locked, 'I don't know what I'd do without you Steph'

Not many people called me Steph but it always made me smile a little when people did. I looked down, trying to say something. I wanted to thank her, for being there, for being her but before the words could exit my lips, she kissed me.

It was quick, much quicker than last night, but my heart seemed to flutter more. I had no thoughts,nothing, just her beauty before me, she was still only inches from me and she still looked me in the eyes.

'love you' she said. Chris definitely had a tendency to act cool about everything. I was quaking with nerves when I kissed her but she just acted like we were an old married couple and kissing was a common occurance.

I watched her as she got up to look herself in the vanity mirror, rubbing her finger to blend her lipstick across her lips, which she always used to keep somewhere on her. Some of it had transferred onto my upper lip and it tasted like maple syrup which was odd considering it was a light pink.

She walked towards the door and placed her hand onto the handle.

'You don't have to leave, stay a while' I rushed out if bed to stop her, my dress half fallen off revealing my white lace bra, ' I have some sort of tea and I'm sure I have something you can wear'

She looked at me with a smile as she placed her fingertips on my collarbone so her palm touched my breasts. For some odd reason it made me feel warm, unlike any feeling I had when lindsey had done the same.

'I don't think I really suit chiffon' she chuckled, 'I'm more of the velvet type'

I grabbed her arm and sat her on the bed, 'Sit here,' I opened my closet doors and pulled out a maroon dress, with flowers embroidered round the hem, contrary to her request it still had drapey chiffon sleeves, a signature look of mine, 'here put this on, oh and take these' I handed her the dress and a pair of black ballet flats and she turned around, to remove her dress.

'Can you unzip me, Stevie?' She asked.

As I pulled down the zip her dress fell to the floor in a pile of silk, exposing her bare skin. As I changed into my black dress I observed her back, noticing the vast amount of bruises. I felt sorry for her but I mostly felt ashamed. Ashamed that I hadn't done anything. I knew John had been violent with her, he had been for the past year, especially after they had gotten back together after their first breakup 2 years ago. Chris was always there to support me against lindsey but I never did anything to help her, I barely ever asked her if she was doing OK. She always seemed happy so I just brushed it off every time it would come to mind but after last night I knew inside she was a mess. I felt like shit.

I was so indulged in my own thought I hadn't realised she was dressed. I looked at her, her usual baggy clothes had never really mad me admire her lean thin figure that reminded me of the ballerinas in the shows my mother would take me to each Christmas.

'You done?' She smiled at me, 'I love it by the way' She twirled around just like she did last night and, god, she looked gorgeous.

'I'm glad' I giggled as I clutched her handed walked her out the door down into the breakfast room which was just located left and down the stairs from my room.

As we approached door, we could her the men chatting already. Chris stopped her tracks.

'You alright Chrissy?'

'I can't do it, I can't face him. God why do we have a private room. I hate this. I hate him. I hate going on fucking tour.'

I grabbed her shoulders and I saw the tears forming in her eyes as I shook her. 'don't worry Chris, I'm here, and I love you a whole fucking lot.'

She started crying uncontrollably and I tried to console her but I couldn't. I didn't know what to do, Christine was quite monotone she never showed much raw emotion even in front of people she trusted. I admired that about her, probably because that's the complete opposite of myself. But, that wasn't important now, if she was this hysterical it must be serious.

And of course, the door swung open and all three men stood in the doorway staring right at us. Even with a quick glance, I saw all of their expressions. Mick looked shocked, Lindsey perplexed and John was as usual, too hungover to care but he was obviously a little confused.

All of a sudden, John's demeanor changed, he shoved me out of the way and I ended up tripping over my own boots, landing me on the floor.

'GET OFF MY WIFE!' he shouted at me on the floor, nobody offered to help me up and I just half-layed there. I was terrified, this made my guilt worse. Chris lived with this every day and pretty much nobody knew, other than me and still I did nothing.

John clearly didn't help as she got worse and just turned and rushed off, rubbing her eyes vigorously as I watched from afar, locked in position. As she ran away back the room and I realised the dress she was wearing hadn't had the zip done up, so her bruises were on clear display.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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