chapter six

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chapter six

(marinette pov)

I swung onto buildings and ledges, as Ladybug of course. My heart beats as I swing around through the sky. The familiar rush of adrenaline I can not enjoy whilst fighting villains.

I detransform when I approach my parents bakery. Before I went to college, they begged for me to learn all of the recipes and take over the bakery. I refused.

I walk into the bakery. "Mom! Dad!" I say, walking past the counter.

"Is that my little girl?" I hear my father say. "Is it?!" I hear my mom say.

I walk up into our home, which was above the bakery. "Marinette, how is college dear?" my mother asks.

"You know," my father starts. I already know what he was going to say. "You can always take over the bakery!"

"Dad! I told you I wasn't going to. It's not my dream." I exclaim. "I know, but maybe if your dream doesn't go as planned." he says.

"Tom!" my mom says, hitting his chest.

"Sorry, sorry. Marinette I know you'll be a great fashion designer." he says.

"Thanks dad." I say.

"Marinette won't you stay the night?" my mom asked, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Mom, I don't think I can." I say, "I have early morning classes."

"Come home this weekend then! We'll make you all of your favorite meals." my mom says, in a convincing tones. My mouth drooled thinking about my mom's homemade soup.

"Okay. This weekend." I promised. My parents faces lit up, smiles going across both of their faces.

After awhile, I notice the time, "Oh no," I say, "I have to go, or I'll miss my afternoon class. Bye mom, bye dad." I give them kisses on the cheeks.

"Wait! Let me get you a bag of pastries." my dad says, as I walk out the door and into the bakery, he runs and throws every kind of thing we sell in a bag.

"Thanks dad, you're the best!" I say. I throw Tikki a macaroon in my purse as I walk out of the bakery. I transform into Ladybug and quickly fly through the air, nearly missing my class.


(third person pov)

Adrien sits in his lecture, bored as ever. He tapped his finger against his desk, sighing softly.

He looked at his phone, swiping through Instagram. Comments from girls saying, "I would marry Adrien, if only he noticed me!", or hearts. Even some famous brands emailed Adrien, asking for a collaboration.

Adrien just wanted to be able to walk the streets without getting blinded, or smushed by fans asking for things. It sounds awful to say, but the attention made him anxious.

He snapped out of his thoughts, and looked ahead to the professor, who was talking about books, and authors. Adrien paid attention, feeling inspired by the words his professor spoke.

After his long lecture, the class was dismissed. Adrien hurriedly left the hall, as sometimes he would be stopped by fans. He walked by the familiar park, where he had met Marinette as Cat Noir.

Something deep down inside of Adrien wanted it to be him, he thought he should've walked Marinette home as Cat Noir. Another thing told him, was Cat Noir is the embodiment of his true self.

As Adrien was wondering the campus, he saw a familiar head of midnight blue hair. He was going to walk up to her, but it was like a light-bulb went off in his mind. He ran into a secluded area, with no people around. "Plagg, claws out!", despite whines from his Kwami as he transformed into his superhero self.

Like magic, his confidence soared through his mind, feeling like himself.

Marinette was reading on a nearby bench, near the library. The autumn air whirled around her, the smells of the cold, crisp air hit Marinette's nose. She took a long breath in as she was reading her romance novel.

Cat Noir went to the café, buying the same coffee Marinette had favored the one time they had unintentionally saw each other. He thanked the barista, and he ran out the door, hoping Marinette was still there.

Thankfully, she was. She was wearing a red turtleneck and blue jeans. A scarf wrapped around her neck. He walked over, whistling with the warm coffee in his hands.

"Oh, hi Marinette!" he greeted her, she jumped a little, from the sudden greeting. "Hi, Cat Noir!" she greets him. She closed her book and patted on the bench, inviting him to take a seat. "What is a busy person like you doing here?" she asks.

"Well, it's a.. err.. slow day today." he says, "I got you a coffee.", Marinette looked surprised. "Thank you, Cat Noir!" she took a sip, and felt her tastebuds dance. "My favorite! How did you know?"

"Oh, uhm! It was just something that I thought maybe you would like." he says, shyly.

"Well, it's very thoughtful. Do you want me to pay you back?" she asks, reaching for her wallet.

"No! Please, it's my treat." he says, rejecting her offer politely. "Plus, what kind of gentleman would I be to get you something and expect you to pay me back."

"You're right, thanks again." she says.

"So, what are you doing out here? It's a bit cold." he says.

"Well, I'm not cold, maybe your cold because your in a rubber suit, and I'm in a thick sweater, jeans, boots, and a scarf." she says, rolling her eyes.

"Well, my suit is magic, So I'm not cold." he says, matter-of-factly.

"Oh, is that so?" she says, crossing her arms, looking deep into his eyes. "Yep." he says, looking back into her eyes.

"Well, anyways. Here." she says, getting up. A confused look forms in Cat Noir's eyes, as Marinette stands in front of him, taking off her scarf and wrapping it around his neck.

"I made it myself." she says, pointing at the signature on the end of the scarf. "Wow, Marinette this is so soft." he says, holding onto the scarf.

"Keep it." she says, smiling warmly to him. Cat Noir feels his face get warm, "Are you sure? It's really nice and I wouldn't want to take it."

"Please, it'll make me happy!" Marinette says, "It'll be nice to know THE Cat Noir is wearing one of my designs." she plopped down on the bench once again, turning to face him.

"Fine, fine. I'll keep it, only because it would make you happy." Cat Noir says, suddenly, the aura around them felt different. The smile on Marinette's face made Cat Noir's stomach drop. "Hey, Marinette." he says.

"Yes?" she says, looking at him.

"Want to go on a date with me on Friday?" he blurted out, regretting the words as soon as he said them.



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