chapter twenty-three

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(marinette pov)

I wake up, a weighing feeling on my thighs. My vision blurred, and my mind was fuzzy. I slowly open my eyes, seeing an outline of cat ears.

And suddenly, I realize who it is.


(cat noir's pov)

I was patrolling again, and the possibility of seeing her again made my heart beat quickly. I was excited to hopefully see her again.

I observed the streets, seeing a couple of suspicious men laughing as they walk away from something. They whisper how fun it was to see her cry as they beat her up.

My ears twitched, and I immediately looked for the civilian they had assaulted. My whole being was frozen when I saw Marinette lying on the ground.


Her whole body was red. I snapped out of my frozen state, running over to her. It occurred to me she was half-awake.

"Help." I heard her whisper. "Hey, hey, shh," I murmured to her. "I don't know if your gonna remember this, but I'm gonna pick you up and take you home."

She didn't respond. I picked her up, a slight groan came from her as I held her in my arms.

I saw slight cuts on her lips. "Oh, no no. Baby, I'm so sorry." I murmured. I saw dried tear marks on her cheeks, her bloodied cheeks.

Her makeup smudged, and the moonlight illuminated how bad this situation was. Good thing Ladybug taught me some first aid.

I made my way back to Marinette's home. I successfully got her into her bedroom, and onto her long couch in her room.

She lay there limp. I panicked, searching around for her first aid kit. I snuck down the stairs, not seeing anyone. I went into the bathroom, finally finding bandages, I grabbed a bowl and some soap, and a rag.

I went up to her room, but she hasn't moved or woken up. Anxiousness shot through my mind, but I tried to remain calm.

As respectfully and gently as possible, I remove her shirt. I see the amount of blood and cuts on her stomach, I wipe it down, tears in my eyes as I help her.

Poor Marinette. I'm a horrible person.

This is my fault.

She moved a little as I was wrapping her body with gauze, and cleaning her wounds thoroughly. I walked to her dresser, looking for new clothes for her.

I picked out the familiar Cat Noir pajamas she always wore when I slept over. My heart dropped, she still had these.

I felt so guilty. I looked at the love of my life, wrapped in bandages, her face was bruised and cut up.

I walked over to her, carefully placing the pajamas on her legs and over her head. The shorts revealed the number of bandages on her thighs.

I needed to get her ice, quickly.

I walked down the stairs quietly. Opening the freezer and grabbing some ice packs. I snuck back up, stealthy.

Like the sly cat I am.

I pick her up again, her light snores come out as she rests. I missed her snores, her snores were the equivalent of white noise.

I lay her down softy, placing the ice packs on her face and some on her more swollen areas. I felt like I owed her something, I wanted to never leave her side and protect her forever.

I want to be by her forever. Until I die. I love her so much.

I watched her sleep, my back was to the wall. I felt my eyes force themselves closed. I leaned over on her legs and drifted off into a deep sleep.
"Cat Noir?" I said, my throat screaming for mercy as I spoke. My hand flew to my throat, and tears flew to my eyes. I finally have him back?

He opened his eyes. I attempt to move, but my whole body hurt. I remembered last night, and tears fell from my eyes. "Hey, hey." I heard Cat Noir say.

I felt his arms gently wrap around my shoulders, I sob into his suit. "It- I-" I tried to speak, but I couldn't talk about it.

They beat me up. They didn't touch any of my areas, but they broke me.

They cut me, they beat me up. I cried as he held me. I never wanted him to stop holding me. "Please, kitty. Don't leave me again." I begged.

He pulled away, tears in his eyes. "We just, we can't date as Adrien and Marinette. We have to be Marinette and Cat Noir, okay sweetheart?" he said.

I nodded. "Don't ever leave me again."

"I promise, I'll never leave your side if you need me. I'll never break up with you," he said while eying my cigarettes.

"No more," he said. I felt ashamed, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's my fault, I left you." he said,  "I thought it was best for us both. I was wrong."

"You're right. You were wrong." I said, he looked into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat as we looked into eyes of each other.

I think we were both tired. My injuries were getting worse. "I need pain medicine or something," I whined.

"Do you have any?" he asked, "Or should I go get you some?"

"In my desk drawer. Third drawer down." I said, staring at my wall as he jumped down the loft ladder. I laughed at the pain I was in.

He climbed back up, handing me three pills. I gladly took them. "Well. You should rest," he said.

"Wait! Are you gonna leave?" I asked, looking at him as he looked at my rooftop door. "Do you want me to?" he asked.

"No. Stay, please." I begged, and he nodded. I moved over and he laid down next to me. I laid my head on his chest.

I heard purring as I was about to fall asleep. "Kitty, is that you purring?" I asked, laughing a little.

"What? Of course not!" he said, an obvious lie.

"Don't lie. It's okay minou, I understand. You're a cat." I said, closing my eyes. I felt his chest rise up and down, the familiar feeling of comfort.

A comfort I needed, especially after today's events. A traumatic experience I never want to think about again.

We spent hours in each-others grasp. Neither of us let go.

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