The date (short chapter]

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Author: I'm terribly sorry if you find this part extremely cringed. I have no relationship experience in my life so writing two characters going on date is extremely difficult for me. Again, I'm so sorry.

[Chapter open with you running around your apartment readying to pick up Via]

Yn: Okay Mizusawa, calm down, it okay. You already got a place to take her to. A gift and brush your teeth 50th time and have not eat anything for the last 6 hours. It okay. Wonder what she doing?

[Cut to Octavia room where she picking a dress to wear]

Octavia: Which one should i wear to our date...?

[Saying that sentence make her blush a bit]

Stolas: Via, what are you doing?

Octavia: Ah dad! I....[Sigh] What the point of hiding it to you anymore. Dad, tonight I'm going on with Yn and I can't pick what to wear.

Stolas: Hmm, just be you

Octavia: What?

Stolas: Just be what you are, don't wear some fancy dress, wear something that yell out you, he probably will like that more

Octavia: That...could work, thank you dad

Stolas: No problems, have fun tonight you two

[Time skip to 6 Pm]

[You arrive at Stolas masion and see Via already standing there waiting for you]

Yn: Hey, Via...

Via: Hey....

[A bit of awkwardness start to build between you two as you remember last night]

Yn: I like how you dress. I thought you gonna some fancy dress or something. It have a nice punk rock feel to it

Octavia: Oh yeah, thank

Octavia is wearing this:

Author: Ignore the bat and the bandaid on her leg

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Author: Ignore the bat and the bandaid on her leg. Credit to @TEATHERKOOKWIP on Twitter for this picture

Yn: Now, shall we begin?

Octavia: Yes, bye dad

Stolas: [Off screen] Bye sweetie, Yn be sure to bring her back before 10 Pm!

Yn: I will!

[You then open a portal to the human world]

Octavia: Wait why are we in the human world?

Yn: You'll see, follow me

[You take her hand and take her to an aquarium]

Yn: Here we are.

Octavia: What the fuck is this place?

Yn: An Japan...

[You sneak through the gate and the security guards, ending up with you two in the main room]

Octavia: Oh my satan....This place is beautiful!

[She get all excited and run around, trying to have a good look at all the fish]

Octavia: Look at that one! No that one! No that one- Okay, maybe not that one...

Yn: I come here before while trying to kill a dude, it's just so... calming y'know?

Octavia: Yeah...

[You take her everywhere in the aquarium, and even touched some fish together]

[Ultimately, landing you two in the cafeteria...which was already closed]

Yn: I guess we should have guessed this...Haha...

Security guard: Hey! You two!

Yn: Shit! Run!

[You two start running from the guard, and soon find yourself hiding in the nearby park]

Yn: That was...close...

Octavia: Damn straight...

Yn: Well, it can't be worse than-

[It start raining heavily on top of you two]

Yn: Damn...

[It would be a waste to go home now, so you two just stand there in the rain]

Yn: Are you cold?

Octavia: Oh no, I'm fine...

[You two still just stand there in the rain]

Octavia: Y'know...I spend 5 hours trying to pick what outfit to wear....

Yn: I have to brush my teeth 50 times and haven't eat anything the entire day...

Octavia: Dude...That is not healthy...

Yn: Yeah i know....

Octavia: I guess....Things aren't always going to go where you want it to be....Huh?

Yn: Pfft....Ahem...Yeah....

[You two then burst out laughing in the middle of the rain]

Yn: Let go find a shelter first...

[You take her to a nearby hut in the middle of the park]

[You two just sit in there while holding hands (how lewd!)]

Yn: I didn't expect this to turn out this way y'know?

Octavia: Hm?

Yn: I always think that i will stay single forever....I didn't expect the Ars Goetia princess to fall for me....

Octavia: No shit... Anyone would be surprised....I was planning to confess to you sooner but my damn dream has to spoil it...

Yn: I should have listened to ya back then...Guess my impatient attitude back there back fire huh?

Octavia: ......Yn....

Yn: Hm?

[She grab your face and give you a passionate kiss that lasts about 10 seconds]

Octavia: Phew... Got that out of my- Yn!?

[You sit there with your mouth open looking stunned like you just got flash bang]

Yn: [Amazon.Exe has stopped working]

Octavia: Oh dear...

Yn: I-I'm fine....

Octavia: You sure?

Yn: Yeah...

[You two sit there in an awkward silence, before the rain stop]

Yn: I will take you home...Lets go.

[You open another portal and bring Octavia back to her mansion]

Yn:...Uh...See ya.

Octavia: Yeah...See ya later....Oh and.....I love you! Bye!

[She says that then runs into her mansion in a panic]


[You drive your motorcycle back home while screaming internally]

Yn: (HOLY FUCK!!!!)

End chapter!

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