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Finn's pov

The sun shines bright in my face and me and y/n flutter our eyes open "morning gorgeous" I chuckle "Morning bird" she laughs "hey I'm not a bird"I cross my arms which causes her to laugh more "yes yes you are your so chipper in the morning so your a little bird" She smiles and I roll my eyes

Y/n pov

"So what shall we make for breakfast Mr" I say as I enter the kitchen "I don't know about you but I want pancakes" finn yawns and I go in shock "No way really I was thinking the same thing" we both laugh "Okay pancakes it is" I say

"Finn your making a mess" I laugh as our giggles and laughs fill the room
"Oh shut up" He says "FINN YOU GOT PANCAKE BATTER EVERYWHERE" I laugh even harder "Oh yeah you got a little pancake batter right here" He says as he smears pancake batter across my face
"You did not just do that" I say and he smirks "oh yes I did

"Oh my gosh finn ima kill you" I shout as I chase him around the kitchen counter
"Okay I'm tired truce?" He asks while putting his hand out "yeah truce" I say but instead of shaking his hand I put pancake batter on his face "OH MY Y/N YOU IDIOT" He shouts as I laugh "fine fine truce" we both shake hands and we continue to make the pancakes

"Finn I don't think pancake's are supposed to look like uh whatever you call that I don't even know if it's a shape" I raise one eyebrow trying to study what the heck is that pancake shape is it even a shape

"It's just a crappy circle I guess" he shrugs and he tries to make another one "wait look finn you made a heart!" I say in excitement "that one's cute I'm definitely getting that one" I say while standing there impressed

A few minutes pass and my dad comes downstairs and I hand him his coffee "Morning Dad" I smile "ah morning sweetheart" He yawns and kisses my head "Morning Mr. Hader" finn waves and my dad smiles "oh morning finn I forgot you slept over my bad it's just work you know I came home late last night and it slipped my mind" he was explaining to Finn and I how late he came home last night

"Oh no worries Mr. Hader me and y/n actually made breakfast for the three of us today" finn says confidently while passing my dad a plate "thank you y/n and thank you too finn" we all sit at the table and chat a bit and eat "thanks for the pancakes and coffee kids well I gotta go to work I'll see you guys later bye" He grabs his keys and heads out the door

I sit on the couch and put some tv. Finn sits next to me as we both watch the show that's on the TV

About an hour goes by and me and finn start getting bored of watching TV "so what should we do know" I let out a breath
"Wanna walk to Starbucks" He suggests as I instantly agree

We walk arrive at Starbucks "After you m'lady" Finn gives me a dorky smile
And I just laughs "thanks finney" I give him a warm smile before walking into Starbucks

We get our drinks and just talk for awhile
We get back to my house and watch movies

We decided to watch a scary movie
A jumps are comes on and finn flinches and grabs my hand "oh s-sorry" he blushes and let's go of my hand "it's okay" I say as I lean my head on his shoulder

We finish the movie and it's already night out side "well as much as I wanna stay with you I gotta get home but I'll call you or text you" he says before giving me a hug

We pull away "alright bye idiot" He chuckles before walking out the door "bye stupid" I laugh and close the door and let out a sigh and just smile to myself

A few minutes go by and I get a FaceTime call from finn of course "miss me" Is all he says when I answer "Maybe" I laugh a little "So whatcha doin" He asks

"I'm getting ready for bed" I say before placing the phone on top of the sink in the bathroom "oh ok night routine I guess" he says as he gets out his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth

"Yknow what I don't get" Finn says before spitting "what"
"If aliens exist why don't they leave proof like clues or something or why don't they just come out already like there's nothing to be afraid of personally I would befriend them first" He says and I just admire him
'Oh wow finn'

I lay down on my bed and he does too
I turn off my room light and turn on my LED lights
I slowly start to fall asleep and as soon as I know it I'm asleep

I wake up in the middle of the night wanting water lucky for me I keep water on my nightstand and I use the restroom
I look at my phone and see finn peacefully asleep he looks so calm and peaceful when he's sleeping

I can't believe he's still on call I thought he would've just hung up but he didn't

I fall back asleep while wrapping myself in my blankets

The next day
Finn's pov

I wake up and rub my eyes yawning
I look and my phone and see y/n slowly waking up. Once I saw her awake I smiled at her "morning idiot" I laugh and she rolls her eyes "Morning stupid head" She laughs and gets up from her bed. She takes the phone to the sink and starts brushing her teeth and I do the same

"So, I had a dream last night" I say with toothpaste all around my mouth "what was your dream about" She gives me a warm smile showing her teeth "I was the only person in the world but you were there and you comforted me but then sanny clause and Rudolph saved us" I shrugged and spit out my toothpaste and she just looks at me with awe

Gosh I love these random conversations we have. "Bye dad Love youuuu" She shouts from the window when her dad leaves to go on set "damn I want pancakes again but I'm to tired ima make cereal" She beamed and went downstairs and set the camera at the table then she made her cereal

A couple minutes pass by and y/n was brushing her hair "you look pretty" I mumbled not expecting her to hear me but she did "aww thanks doofus" she smiles and continues brushing out her hair and I can't help but admire

I have to say that I am beginning to gain more of a crush on her. I mean I liked her since we were like 12 but ever since that I guess I am beginning to love her

Not only is she my best friend but she is like one of my favorite people in the world

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