Chapter 3

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The next month were useless in terms of looking for my answer; I had completely forgotten the location of the place I escaped from. But those days were some of the most enjoyable days I had ever experienced. For the first time ever, I could just let myself go and have fun with Jon without having to worry about Sean's brutal demands. The guilt of Mei's death had started to unravel to the point where I could finally forgive myself.

We continued to stay in the small apartment, and just shared the mattress between the two of us. One night, as we were about to fall asleep, Jon mumbled, "Did you dye that?" When I asked, "Dye what?" he said, "Your hair."

I pushed the blanket off of me and went to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. No bags. No grotesquely pale skin. But my hair... Still silvery-white, except for my roots. At my parting, my hair was a raven-black, stretching out to the rest of the light strands that cascaded down my shoulders and arms.

I slunk back to the mattress and found Jon sound asleep. Just before I rested my head on the pillow, my phone vibrated. I uncomfortably bent my arm in awkward shapes behind me to pick it up. I squinted my eyes as the phone lit up in response to the motion. It was a message from an unknown number. I didn't remember giving anyone my number.

Except one.

Ready to turn the phone off in case it was a scammer, I scanned the message. It was Aurora. Why message me now? It's been a month. The message said: Hola, Silver. I understand it's late, but could you meet me at the café where we first met tomorrow? Same time. You can bring him if you must. Aurora.

Him? Jon? How did she know about Jon? Questions clouded my brain. I placed my phone back to its previous position and turned to face the ceiling. I lost the will to sleep.

I stood up for the second time and tip-toed over Jon who was tucked under a blanket, his back rising and falling. His hair was spread out over the pillow that remained behind his head and one of his hands hid underneath the pillow.

I walked to the balcony door. It was made up of glass and wood, but the glass was covered by cheap blinds. As I opened the door, sound rushed into my ears, heavily differing to the silence of inside with Jon. The air was sticky and hit me like a blazing warm hand against my forehead. The sky was dark and starry, but the streets were lit up with paper lanterns dangling from wires connected to the dysfunctional lampposts. Few windows of the small apartment buildings across from us were illuminated by warm yellow light. I could hear the occasional woosh of a car passing by and the barking of two dogs in the distance. There were hushed conversations and obnoxiously loud arguments of drunks. I could feel uneven rust along the railing of the balcony. This place was definitely poor, but it was no slum.

It was quite different to Sector 10. I still couldn't tell whether it was a good different or a bad different. I simply wasn't used to it. The buildings were low instead of high. The colour was in the paint on the buildings as opposed to the lights of the advertisements. And the colours were warmer. Reds, oranges, and yellows instead of blues, purples and pinks.

But it was so much more peaceful.

Or so I thought.


I decided to meet Aurora. I also decided to bring Jon. Before we left, I explained to Jon how I knew her but didn't mention me never mentioning him to Aurora. We exited the apartment, and I was wearing my black jacket that Jon found for me. My handgun was hidden within it. Aurora's message had made me lose my ease. For good or bad, I wasn't sure just yet.

This day wasn't as hot as the previous with a nice, cool breeze. Jon and I took two electric bikes to the café. As we arrived, I saw Aurora seated on the patio, legs crossed. She wore an oversized red cardigan, and her wrists were covered in gold. She noticed us instantly and eyed Jon as she got closer.

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