Epilogue - Five Months Later

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"He knew what he was getting himself into when he chased after you. He somehow fell in love with an assassin for goodness' sake, it was inevitable that a tragedy was going to happen," said Lila.

"He didn't deserve any of this," Ai said, digging her face into her hands. "Jon is such a naturally good person and you two were set for life. I should never have contacted him back."

"Yeah, well... there are better things than money and wealth. Things worth risking lives for. I'm sure you know all about that, by now," Lila replied.

"Ai." A different voice.

I blink and realise I had zoned out, drifting off to a memory of a conversation I had with Jon's little sister after I returned to Sector 10. I sit beside Jon, legs dangling over the edge of the roof above my apartment. I feel so much more secure in Sector 10, despite it being the source of my trauma. It's still my home, in all its metropolitan glory. Perhaps it's because it's all so pleasantly familiar: the sound of crowded streets far below, the whiff of street food swimming through the air, the colourful neon lights and elongated shadows. I was reminded of how much I used to people-watch when the habit resumed itself as soon as I came back and returned to the rooves. It feels like it's been forever since I last leapt over them and clambered over fire escapes.

The crime is the same as ever. A pickpocket catches my eye every so often and obvious syndicate members stand in sneaky conversation, pausing to send quick glances around them.

I admit, I still pickpocket sometimes, but only from obviously wealthy people. Not including Jon. In order to continue earning my keep, I became a syndicate-drifter, meaning I had no definite "boss," but people could hire me for a single mission on the spot. People like that become well-known throughout the syndicate, especially if they're skilled. Although, I was quite picky about which missions I accepted. I also stopped drinking. Out of fear, probably.

"You know, you talk about this guy a lot," Jon says, "I assume you guys must've hung out a lot but... Where is he now?"

I reply, "I don't know. I know he's somewhere... I just don't know how to get to him."

I agree, Lila. There are some things worth risking lives for, but there are also some things worse than death. You never know if things get better either. My hope is broken and my trust in fate is shattered. All that's left is a confused little girl refusing to grow up, who is only living off the smallest shred of faith that what they long for still exists. 

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