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Yn pov
I don't know after he yell at me tears started flow from my eyes I look at him with my teary eyes and stand up "iam sorry sir iam really sorry" I said while bowing to him Why iam this much clumsy why yn why you drop the drinks at him *pout* but when I look at him he was looking at me I don't know why but I feel like I lost in his eyes but my moment was interpreted by the another handsome man "are you okay miss" he ask me with a worried tone I just smile at him and nod
"I am okay" I said to him "but I am really sorry for ruining you suit please forgive me" I said while look the him but he just look at me with a glare and said "yeah I don't need your f**king sorry cause your sorry will not fix my new suit" when I was going to say something the other person started saying "yah how can you mad at her it's just a suit right you have many suit right so just forget about it and you miss you can go we forgive you" after he say that to me I just smile at him and nod when I turn to go back but this coldie stop me saying "yah did I say you can go back not right" I turn around and look at him and nod "then stay here and hear what I have to say" he said while looking at me I just nod "okay so the thing is that you have to f**king pay for my suit" after he said that I look at him with widened eyes "w-what?" "Yeah. you. have. to .pay. for. it" he said while pointing at me "okay I will pay but why are you arguing with me just for a suit" I said while he just scoffed and said "you know how much this cost " he said I nod as a no "$50,000 dollar" after he said that I look at him and said "50,000" he just nod and look at the other person and said "Mr.choi we will continue our meeting tomorrow if you're interested to work with me"  "I am totally fine see you tomorrow Mr.kim and the payment for the drinks and snacks I will pay" he said while saying the lat part I just look at him and nod with a smile and he go towards the cashier and exist the cafe after paying but I while looking at him without blink but my moment ruin when the coldie just snap his fingers at me and said "is this your habit to look someone like a creep" after he saying this I just look at him with a glare " hello Mr are you calling me a creep" I said but he just nod at me with his cold eyes "y-you uff" I just look at him and go towards him and said "you want me to pay for your suit right I will pay and if you dare to call me again a creep I  will kick you out of my cafe" he just look at me with a shock expression and said "do you know who you're talk like this" "yeah with an idiot" I said while look at him he just look at me and said "you wait and watch what I can do you insult Kim taehyung" I look at him and roll my eyes "yeah yeah KiM tAeHyUnG" I just mock at him "you will pay for it" he said this while existing the cafe

Taehyung pov
After we exist the cafe I look at the entrance 'How dare she I will show her what I can do' I thought "Mr. Jung" I called him he just look at me and said yes Mr. Kim "I want every detail about this cafe and about all workers" he just look at me and nod after few minutes out car came and we went back to company I really heat this day.

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