You Belong To Me - Chapter 2

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You Belong To Me - Chapter 2

'Good evening Amy, I must say this is quite a surprise,' the steel underlying Joshua's words do not go unnoticed by me...


Dressed in snug fitting dark blue Levi jeans, black shirt, and white jacket, Joshua was drop dead gorgeous, oozing sex appeal. With grey eyes never leaving mine, I feel like we are the only two people in the club. His chocolate brown hair is styled a bit differently now, short at the bottom and longish on top resulting in a soft wayward curl hanging down his forehead a bit, making me want to reach out and move it away from his face. Oh those eyebrows which will always give him that dark, brooding look...the way he arched one now waiting for me to respond...I mentally shake myself and acknowledge him.

'Hello Joshua,' I manage to get out. God, I hope my eyes aren't giving away how I feel right now. The smirk from Josh, confirms that thought though. Just then, I remember that he has someone with him, and of course it his 'childhood friend' clutching his arm like the leech she obviously still is.

'Well, well, well,' she purrs, 'if it isn't little Amy Taylor, thought you jumped continents years ago.' I refused to let the bitch get to me after all this time, so I only smiled at her as if she were a small child and cocked my head to the side slightly, 'Melissa...still hanging on I see,' I smirked at her. You can almost see the smoke pouring from her ears, and a look of pure hatred crosses her face. Josh looked at the both of us curiously. Oh hell Josh, if you still don't get the picture, I won't make it clear for you.

Thank God Kelly decides to speak up. 'You never said you all knew each other before, Amy,' she looked at me with accusation clouding her eyes, yet in her voice was nothing but mild curiosity.

Laughing, I merely shrugged, and said, 'Honestly, Kelly, it didn't ring a bell, I haven't started on the financial proposal yet, so that's probably why.'

'You must know that we are meeting on Tuesday, Amy, how unprofessional is that?' Melissa once again looking pleased with herself.

'Something you would have known nothing about had we not run in to each other tonight, Melissa. I assure you that Kelly will be well prepared for your meeting come Tuesday,' I replied confidently. Thankfully my voice does not betray the emotions I am dealing with right now after seeing Josh and talking to him for the first time in three years.

Josh once again raises those sexy eyebrows and looking from Kelly to me, he enquired suspiciously, 'Aren't you joining your partner then? Is that wise?' I feel my hackles rise and wish I could just walk away from him and that skank who was still hanging possessively on his arm.

'I deal only with figures, Joshua, Kelly is the one with the creative flair, there really isn't a need for me to be there too,' I reply tightly.

'On the contrary Amy, I think you should be there too, I will need to discuss the figures with you anyway, so do make sure that you are available,' he smoothly interjects. While fuming inwardly, and about to protest, Melissa butts in scathingly, 'But Josh, darling, you heard her, she doesn't have a creative bone in her body and Kelly and I have been conferring with each other these last two weeks, I'd rather we stick to the original arrangement and -' Josh cuts her off, 'Melissa, I will also be attending the meeting, between the four of us - instead of just two, we would be able to finalize everything sooner. You have spent way too much time on this function. You have other more pertinent issues to deal with,' he says pointedly looking at her, daring her with his eyes to object. Melissa does what she does best: sulk, and lets out in a small voice, 'Ok Josh, that is actually a great idea.'

You Belong To Me© - by Renzzz12 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now