You Belong To Me - Chapter 6

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You Belong To Me - Chapter 6

I walk into my office and am greeted by the unmistakable aroma of freshly brewed coffee and a smug looking Kelly already seated at my table.

'Good Morning Kelly, how was the weekend...mmm fantastic,' I say as I take a seat opposite her, and taking a sip of my coffee.

'Good Morning to you too, my weekend was awesome, they should really make Mondays part of the weekends. It's a sin to have to leave the arms of a hot greek adonis so early in the morning,' Kelly answers with a pout, flicking her 'red' hair from her face.

'Seriously,' she goes on when she catches me rolling my eyes at her, 'if it wasn't for the big meeting with Sterling tomorrow, I would have seriously called in sick today...or put in a day's leave...or two,' she adds guiltily as I clear my throat.

'So what did you do? Leave him in your bed? Doesn't he have a job to go to like the rest of us?' I ask her pointedly. Kelly always falls for the 'lost souls - the hot lost souls. Always looking for a job, always a struggling hot model or wannabe actor.

'Actually, I left him in his own king sized bed, which is in his own king sized-ish penthouse,' the smug look is back on that perfectly sculptured face.

'Well I'll be damned! You finally found yourself a guy who can,' and I put my hand over my heart in a dramatic fashion, 'pay his own bills?' I respond in an equally dramatic fashion and burst out laughing much to Kelly's disgust.

'At least I have a love life darling, can you say the same?' Ooo Kelly's claws are out this morning. Note to self, stop teasing Kelly.

'I am fine just the way I am, I -' I start to say, trying not to sound defensive, but she cuts me off, 'But! Tell me about the incredibly hot CEO, Joshua Sterling! What is that? Oh my God, he is like, sex on legs,' she enthuses. 'How do you know him? Gosh the sexual chemistry between you two in the limo was unbelievable! So, what happened after I left, huh?' Kelly asks teasingly as she places her elbows on my desk resting her head on clasped hands.

Oh dear, I should have seen this coming surely? Kelly never misses a beat. How am I going to play this down? I am not ready to divulge anything about mine and Josh's past. She'd go to town with that information. Instead, I feign disinterest and look her squarely in the eyes. 'Kelly, you shouldn't read too much into things, perhaps you felt your own sexual tension bubbling to the surface? I remember you weren't able to drive us home on there's your answer. Now, let's get started shall we? Have you checked your emails?' And I know that regardless of my answer, once she sees the emails from Josh, she'll know we met yesterday and then I'll have to dodge the firing line again.

'Ok, ok, Amy, you're right. We have work to do, play time is later, and don't think for one minute I buy that little innocent me act, one way or another I will find out,' she says fiercely, 'Oh? What is this?' She looks confused at her laptop screen. Here we go - round 2. She slowly looks up at me from her laptop, her eyebrows having shot up so far they could have disappeared into her hairline.

'What the heck is this? You met with Joshua Sterling yesterday? Without me? Why? We were supposed to meet tomorrow? The four of us?' She fires the questions at me, and her beautiful face slowly turns red. I would laugh but I don't think Kelly would appreciate that right now.

'Calm down, he cannot make the appointment tomorrow so instead we arranged to meet yesterday to finalize the budget. He had a couple of issues, and I changed a few things to his satisfaction. The main hiccups you need to sort out with Melissa tomorrow, and...There is no need for me to tag along,' I answer very quickly, but Kelly's expression does not waver.

You Belong To Me© - by Renzzz12 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now