Clean Fight 19 ( Part 2)

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2 Days Later

Well i havent talked to Beez since that night and im okay with that. I dont need any new people in my life. But, i have decided to get back right with people. I just need a understanding from were all this is coming from. So, first im going to start of with Jaycee.

When i pulled up at the Rib Shak i saw Jaycee's car. I fixed myself in the mirror taking a deep breath i got out an went in the restaurant. Looking around i saw Jaycee sitting by the window. I know i said i was through with him, but im not that kind of person.

Walking over to the table he was texting away on his phone. I sat down which got his attention. He looked up with a shocking look, but it turned to a smile. Smiling back he grabbed my hands that were placed on the table.

" Novalen you know you my baby right." He said licking his lips

I just nodded my head and smiled.

" I just want whats best for you." He said now starring hard into my eyes.

I nodded my head again.

" I know i can be controlling sometimes. But, im doing this because Rah, Beez, and Hodgy we all use to be close. I know how they operate baby. An a sweet girl like you dont need to get played by none of them. Take it from me i know these guys arent good for you." He said.

" I understand but im through with Hodgy and Beez ..."

" What about Rah. What type of hold does he have on you that you cant leave him alone. Because i see a liar, a mentally insane person, someone who's gone abuse you, and a rapist. What do you see ?" He said.

" I see a handsome mysterious boy who is misunderstood. A person who holds a lot of secrets and just needs to be heard by the right person.Everbody has a past Jaycee and why is he the only person you really have a problem with."

" Because your life changed when you met him. Its like you turned to a hoe or something. You just went on a mission to replace him, but all that failed. Nova baby im through telling you he not the one. You just gone have to learn yourself, but i love you baby." He said smiling a little at the last part.

" I love you to Jaycee baby." I leaned across the table and gave him one last peck on the lips.


I was now standing in front of Hodgy's door. I could smell the thick weed smoke seeping from the black door cracks. I wasnt invited or anything he didnt know i was coming. Fixing my clothes i took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

About 5 minutes later the door started to open slowly. What stood before my eyes was not the person that i knew. Bruises everywhere, dried blood, and hair everywhere. Jena stood before me looking as if she was gone out of her mind. She looked up slowly and semi smiled at me.

" You here for Hodgy." She slurred her words.

" Yeah and you to."

" Who the fuck is that at my damn door ." Hodgy yelled from behind the door.

" Novalen ." She yelled back.

She then looked at me and tears started to form in her eyes. My once so beautiful friend wasn't so beautiful anymore. Hodgy then came to the door and smiled. He also had scratches on his face.

" Nice to see you Novalen come in baby." he said standing to the side and letting me in the nasty apartment. This place was once clean now filled with dirty tampons, swisher sweet wrappers, dirty undies, and old food containers. It reeked of a file odor to. They took a seat on the couch. While i stayed standing.

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