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this was insanity.

he needed to sleep. he'd spent too many nights just laying there and thinking about you, and the unholy things he'd finally get to do to you once you were his.

but how could he sleep after today's events? he was so ecstatic that he ran right home and told...

nobody. he had nobody.

after the incident, nobody talked to him anymore. everybody treated him like the sicko he was deep down. he tried to put up a facade, but it wasn't going to work. after everything had happened, his reputation was ruined. he lived alone and had no family or pets. he was truly alone.

but you didn't know that.

oh no, you didn't. you had transferred during sophomore year, the year after everything had subsided. and he didn't think anybody was stupid enough to bring it up, so you were blissfully unaware.

the second he had laid his eyes on you, he wanted you. he liked how cute and innocent you looked. the thought of doing absolutely twisted and messed up things to your pretty little face excited him more than anything ever had.

but besides all that, he truly loved you. he loved how sweet you were to everybody, and how you made everybody laugh and smile. he loved how happy you looked doing the things you loved. he loved how you loved everybody.

he knew you'd love him too.

so he came bounding home, (after he watched you walk back to your house - for your safety of course!) he flopped down on his bed and kicked and screeched like a little girl for a few hours.

he was just so excited. his girlfriend of two years had finally looked at him. she noticed him. she looked him in the eyes for the first time. for once in his life, something good happened to him.

after his freakout, it was time to send you your nightly messages. and boy, did he have a lot to say today. he almost let all of his sick fantasies out of his head and into the message box.

he had gotten used to your lack of replies, and was usually okay with not messaging you until the following day. but not today. today, he didn't feel as good as he normally did after texting you.

he tried to sleep, but his mind was too clouded. he was too distracted. he needed to fix this so he could finally get some rest.

so what he did was put on a dark jacket and put the hood up. he exited his house quickly, the cold air of the early winter hitting his face and almost making him want to go back inside.

he walked to your place, and looked at all the windows to see the ones with the shades slightly cracked. it wasn't easy to find, and he almost thought that it wasn't open, but he spotted it on the first floor.

he snuck over to the window, and hoisted himself up to the ledge. he peered in, but the room had no lights on. he couldn't see a thing. but somehow, he felt better knowing that you were simply nearby.

he could've fallen asleep right there, and stayed like that for hours. but he did have to go. he felt better than before, and felt like he could finally sleep. it worked so well, in fact, that he thought about maybe doing this every night.

what was the harm?

you woke up to more messages. big surprise.

you know, i never believed in love at first sight.
i thought i knew what it was, but that was before i saw you.
when i saw you, any idea of love i knew was gone. all i knew was the love i had for you. now i know, and i can mean it when i say..
i love you my darling girl ♡

here they were, back to the same old lovey dovey sweet things they normally said, right after sending all those vile things last night. who was this person?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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