Debut match

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Hiruma told you and Mamori to hand out flyers to whoever would be watching the match. You pursued your lips. The last thing you wanted to do was go up to someone and initiate conversation. You've been avoiding doing that for years after all.
"You do know it's never gonna work if I do it right?" you asked him.
"Doesn't matter! Now let's go prepare the field, then we go change."
But since you had zero clue on how to do that, you just stood to the side and observed, so that you'll know what to do next time.

"(Y/n)," Mamori said. "could you bring more water bottles please?"
"Ah. Sure." you said, caught off guard.
As you walked to the club room, you started hearing voices coming from inside, you didn't recognize them.
"There's nothing here."
"Keep looking!"
"Shit, I can't find 'em anywhere."
You slammed the door open to scare whoever was in there. It was the three bullies Sena was so scared of yesterday, rummaging through the room. They froze and looked at you.

"Looking for something?" you asked.
"None of your business shortie!" the blond one with a cool facial scar exclaimed, facing you.
You raised an eyebrow.
"Actually, it is my business. 'Cause you three fucktards and in *my* club room going through *my* shit! So either you tell me what the hell you're here for, or I'll make you get the fuck out! Your choice kids!"
"Ha?" "Ha?!" "HA?!" the three of them walked up to you.
"Ooo, you must be new here." you smirked, fixing their very souls. "That's okay, it's never too late to learn."
The look on your face made them take a step back. You wanted to close the door to scare them more but just then, Kurita came in.
"Ah! Kurita!" you turned back and pointed at the three guys behind you. "These guys-"
"You three..." he said with a low voice, his hands shaking. "I can't believe it."

You felt a chill, and so did the others, you've never seen him this angry befo-
"You changed your minds!" he cried of joy.
'Oh. Nevermind.' you thought with a semi-smile. 'I do think you're misunderstanding though.'
"Huh?" "Huh?!" "HUH?!" the three boys exclaimed.
They did not seem happy about this. So you'll gladly make it worse for them.
"Yeah, exactly. They told me they wanted to join the club too."
"Aaaah I'm so happy!" Kurita held up the three of them and spun around. "Hurray hurray hurray!"
They were being crushed by his hug and they looked like they were about to barf. They looked over at you, you were snickering with a smug smirk on your face.
'That bitch!!!' the three of them thought.
"Now go get changed with the team and let's go kick some lizard ass!" you grabbed a pack of water bottle and walked out.

You didn't have a cheerleader outfit so you went ahead. When the Devil Bats stepped out, they were greeted by a crowd other students, cheering for them. You had to admit, they looked pretty cool. Although, Eyeshield looked nervous. He was visibly shaking when the Zokugaku students sized him up and talked shit about him. One of them even threw a can at him but Monta caught it like it was nothing.
'Okay, that was cool.'
He smiled.
"Empty cans can go in the recycling-" he said before Hiruma kicked him right in the back of the head.
You burst out laugh, pointing at the poor boy.
"Wh-what was that for?!" Monta asked.
"You butt-monkey!" Hiruma glared. "Don't show them what you can do before we even start!"
"(Y/n)! Stop laughing!" he turned to you.
"Were...Were you gonna teach them how to recycle?!" you cackled some more.
"I wanted to be cool!" he blushed, embarrassed.

Once everyone arrived at the sports fields, it finally occurred to you:
'What am I doing here?'
It felt weird to be here, so close to the action as opposed to the audience.
'At least I get a good spot to watch.' you sat down on the bench.
Hiruma snuck up from behind and swept the bench away with his foot before your butt could even touch it. You fell on the ground with a yelp.
"What the hell dude!"
"A cheerleader never sits, let alone an anti-cheerleader. Consider this extra cardio." he smirked.
"Screw that! The match didn't even start yet!"
"That's no excuse."
"I don't even know what I'm supposed to-"
"Hey guys, check this out!"

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