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The route Hiruma forced you to take to go to school was surprisingly easier than you thought, ever since you found out you didn't have to jog your way through.
"Just complete the route with your own two feet." he said. "If you wanna walk, sure, if you wanna make actual progress, run." he smirked.
You frowned again just thinking about it. Screw him, walking for this long was just as tiring for you. You just looked less of a mess. It was bearable and you will take it! For now at least...

As you waited on the sidewalk for the crosswalk's light to turn green, you remembered yesterday, when you almost passed out from exhaustion on the very same spot you were standing on. You sighed, then noticed a vending machine across the street. Ow man, you thought, if you weren't so focused on jogging, you could've noticed it and you would've bought yourself a snack or a drink to recover some energy. You sighed. Farther down the route was another vending machine. You paused when you passed by a third one, it had a Devil Bats sticker on it, and it made you wonder if the other two also had one. You took out your phone and looked at the map Hiruma sent you. The location of those three machines were equally spaced out, like checkpoints in a video game level.
'Did he know?'
You pursued your lips, not sure how to feel about this. You bought yourself a can of your favorite soda, which was available in all the machines you passed by. And yes, all the ones you passed by after that did have a Devil Bats sticker on them.

When you got to school, you and the other students were welcomed by more Devil Bats propaganda. The school's newspaper wrote an article about yesterday's match against Zokugaku's Chameleons, and it would seem that Hiruma printed it out hundreds of times, then posted it all around the school. There was a statement from 'Eyeshield 21': 'Ya-ha! That dumbass linebacker was no match for my elite skills! Listen up Deimon! You wanna be a lady killer? Play football! You wanna get better at fighting? Play football! Wanna get rich? Play football! Just shut up and join the Devil Bats! We're recruiting new members!'
'Why did he start this with the lady killer bit?' you thought with a raised eyebrow.
The writer of the article added: 'Eyeshield 21 becomes a completely different person - a silent warrior - the moment he steps onto the field. Such a display of gallantry on the battlefield of American football.' Which made you snicker. There was also a photograph of some of the Devil Bats members. You remembered threatening the poor photographer to not take pictures of you. You didn't like your face in pictures.
"Football might be kinda fun!" you heard students say.
"Eyeshield 21's running was so cool, right?!"
"Yeah! That was something else!"

You were glad to hear that the Devil Bats were the talk of the school throughout the day, in a positive way foe once. Well, Eyeshield was, mostly... You were mostly happy that none of that attention was on you. Which was rare, there was always at least one shithead that crossed your path. If that was what happened when the football team won, then you hoped they won all the time.
"Alright Impie!" Hiruma turned to you as soon as classes were over. "Let's get ready for the interviews!"
"Now?! The very next day after the match?" you looked at him with big eyes. "You really don't waste any time do you?"
"Kekekekeke! Better act quick while the hype is high!" he took out a stack of bills and tossed it on your desk. "Take Fatty and the kids with you and go buy creampuffs!!"

"I'm not taking your crime money."
"It's not a crime if you never got caught." he smirked.
"It's very much still a crime." you couldn't help but smile at this dumb conversation. "Also, I'm pretty sure that's *too* much money!"
"With what you got left go buy yourself somethin' then!" he waved a hand. "Like perfume or a hammer- whatever girls are into these days."
"What?" you blinked twice. "No, I'll just give you the change!"
"Oww~" he furrowed his eyebrows, though he was clearly mocking you. "You sure you don't wanna buy a 1kg dumbbell? Would that be too much?"
"Oh fuck off!"

"Oh boy, we don't have a lot of time before the team entrance interviews." Sena said as the four of you were waiting in line at the bakery. "Thank goodness this place's close by."
'Always worried about something this one...' you sighed.
"You're a regular here Kurita, what do you recommend we get?" Monta asked.
But when he looked at him, he saw that his upperclassmate was sleeping standing.
"He told me he got so excited last night he could barely sleep." you explained. "Anyway, get a bunch of different flavors, I dunno."
"Alright... But then, how many...?" he looked at the displays. "Should we get ten?"
"Wouldn't that be too many?" Sena asked, unsure.
"Take a hundred."
"A hundred?!" they both looked at you. "That's WAY too many!"

Cherry Imp (Eyeshield 21 || Hiruma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now