Converstaions and Bets

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A/N OMG! thank you guys for reading this I'm sorry I haven't updated school is a pain in the ass and my parents took my tablet for a week so here Y'ALL go! //I also made a reference to my Instagram @la8londe //

Be Rose ==>

Ugh why does Dave have to be so obsessed with AJ and Doritos. It probably wore off from Dirk or as he likes to be called by Dave and you, "Bro". I mean his entire diet is based around Apple juice and Doritos. Okay, tea... tea... where is the, Oh! there it is! Okay get that going for Babe. And for the simple little Johnny boy, some water in a blue cup.

"Thanks Rose!" John says happily when you hand him his water. He and Dave seem to have been grabbed by their respective girlfriends and have been talking amongst themselves.

"8ut seriously Tezzy Nic cage is the beeeeeeeest actor ever!" Bridal says. You have always known about her obsession with Nic Cage. It is one of the few things she and John bonded over. You do not ship it.

"Dave here is your Apple blood." You say, giving the strider his juice.

"Oh! Oh ya um thanks Rose." What was he looking at? Maybe John? I hope so. Now that, is OTP worthy.

You hear your little tea brewer beep and then you go over to get Kanayas tea for her. Damn that's hot! not as hot as Kanaya... Nice one Rose! Why thanks I try. You pick up the tea and hand it back to Kanaya, sitting next to her on a stool as you do so.

"So, what are they talking about?"

"It Appears That They Are Arguing Over Ben Stiller Versus Nic Cage." Kanaya responds with a little laugh.

You can't help but giggle as well. Your friends can be so silly sometimes! At least Jade and Karkat are out on a date or else they would bring Rom-coms into the argument!

"Should we attempt to change the subject before things get out of hand?"

"That Would Probably Be Our Best Plan Of Action Yes."

"Hey guys! Any of y'all going to Feferi's party Friday?"

"W3 4r3!" Terezi says, motioning towards Vriska.

"So are we." Dave says, messing with Johns hair. You immediately look over at Kanaya, you both know what each other are thinking half the time, and right now you guys were screaming OTP.

"Heeey! Stop it Dave!" John laughs out. Oh. My. Sweet. Mother. Theresa. On. A. Mercedes. Benz. They sound like majestic fucking eagles with each other. They need to be canon!

"Never egdork your hair is mine to mess with." Dave says, stoick as fuck, although... I think I see a light tint in his cheeks... How peculiar.

"Vr1sk4 4nd 1 n33d to g3t go1ng sorry guys. D4v3 hug me." Terezi interrupts, and starts walking over to Dave.

"Bye Vriska sweetie!" John says to Vriska, swooping her into a hug. She looks so uncomfortable with her fake smile. Poor sweet John.

"8ye John." She replies sternly. You can almost feel the disappointment radiating off of John.

"See You Guys Later!"

"Yes bye thanks for coming over if it was even just for a little while." You say to the two girls leaving your home. After you shut the door you turn with a smile to the three other people in your house.

"Wanna play Mario Kart guys? It's Thursday we don't have much homework anyways."

"Fuck yes Rose. I bet I'll beat Egderp over here" Dave responds with a strider smirk plastered on.

Yes Homo (JohnDave/DaveJohn/PepsiCola)Where stories live. Discover now