The Party

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Be John about to leave while in the cars back seat with Dave=>

"Kanaya hurry up I don't wanna be late to see my Vriska!" You annoyingly say, and laugh a bit after to how you could have said in textual form l8, too bad you aren't that would be good.

"We Have To Wait For Rose To Put On Her Seat Belt John Keep Your Pants On," She responds.

"Or Take them off and burn them along with your other clothes so Kanaya can dress you more fashionably." Rose says as her seat belt clicks.

"BUUURRRNNN EGBERT" Dave practically yells  at you.

"This Is Why We Are Dating." Kanaya says to Rose, giving her a high five.

"Lets go I'm fine now," Rose says turning on the Radio and playing You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by My Chemical Romance.

"Jeez Rose why the Emo music already?" You snark with a smile.

"Well she Can't play the Ghostbusters soundtrack John, and you sound childish when you say 'Jeez'" saying jeez with a lisp.

"Do you prefer I  something different?"

"Yes, very deeply."

"Go fuck yourself Dave." You smirk and shoot your eyebrows up and down.

"Too lazy do it for me Egderp." He smiles with his tongue out, and seems to wink from how his cheek moves up. Making you red as a ripe ass tomato.

"Shut up." Then you look out the window and Kanaya and Rose laugh their asses off.

You begin to think, about how much you like Vriska, how her blonde hair moves, her shades, her jokes, his smile, his Adams apple, his- wait what? Why are you thinking of him? Not again. Don't think about it John. You aren't gay, are you? Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. Maybe you wish you could make out with Dave right now, kiss his neck, give him hickeys, have sex with him. But you also sorta like girls. Maybe you're bisexual? Ya that sounds right. But you're dating Vriska and you love her. That's that.

YOU SUDDENLY SCREAM BECAUSE YOU FELT SOMETHING BLOW INTO YOUR EAR. And Dave seems to be laughing a lot on your lap now.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR CUTE FACE YOU FUCKING DORK OH MY GOD HAHAHA," Wait Cute??? "We're here c'mon" and he pulls you quickly out of the car and into a dimly lit house that has party lights and drinks everywhere, before you can comprehend what is happening you have drank a lot of what is most likely alcohol and are sitting in a circle with Dave, TZ, Vriska, Gamzee(who is stoned as fuck), Aradia(one of the only sober people), Equius, and Sollux. Did you mention that you're playing truth or dare?

"TeReZi SiS, sPiN tHe MoThEr FuCkInG bOtTlE."


"Wait, Terezi, we're, dating. You remember that right?" Dave says, sounding distressed.

"D4V3, 1 GU3SS 1'LL T3LL YOU TH1S NOW, 1 DON'T L1K3 YOU 4NYMOR3. W3'R3 OV3R. 1 WOULD S4Y SORRY BUT." She says half assed as she spins the bottle, and it slowly but surely lands on your girlfriend, Vriska Serket.

Terezi slowly crawls over to Vriska and they begin to make out. right.fucking.there. Dave hasn't said a word. he just seems to be staring blankly at them. You have to do something. Say something. Damnit John say fucking anything, help.

"Hey! Vriska what the hell?!" Your eyes are getting wet, and your words are slurring together, what the fuck did you drink?

Vriska and Terezi stop momentarily, and Vriska makes eye contact with you, striking a deep sense of fear that you hadn't felt before. Her lip curls up in disgust, Terezis lipstick smeared on her lips mixing with hers, and Terezi kissing her neck now. You begin to have tears roll down your face, as Dave gets up and moves next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Lets go John." he sounds scared. he sounds sad. You can feel his heart breaking. Yours is too.

"Listen to him Joooooooohn. You should know we are over, and you're too much of a crybaby to actually try and do anything about it." She says with a smile. Aradia gasps softly, Sollux says holy shit, equius says that she is out of her place, and Gamzee just stares off into space.

"John. Now. We're going home." Dave says, tears are rolling down your cheeks faster now, your eyes are stinging, and it feels like you just got a bullet to the chest. Dave grabs you by the arms and drags you out of the house and begins to run back to your house after putting you on his back, he didn't seem to be drunk, or seem to think you were able to walk. You begin to sob a little bit before you get to your house and he puts you down at your front door.

"C'mon Dave." You begin to take him inside after unlocking the door and immediately run into your room, locking the door behind you both, and jump on your bed completely crying now.

Dave slowly walks over and sits next to you, he puts his arm around you, you then completely emerge yourself into his chest, trying to grab at his shirt, as if letting go would kill you.

"Why did they have to do that to us Dave?!" Your words are slurring more, you're tired and drunk. You think you are drunk at least.

He just starts to sob, you lift your head up, putting go the your hands on either sides of his face, and pull of his sunglasses, making him blink a couple times to get used to the light.

"Please don't tell anyone about my eye color it's gross I hate it." You realise his eyes are a blood red, and gasp a little bit, you think they're beautiful.

"Okay I won't," You respond and wipe his tears off his cheeks, putting your head back In his neck.



"You're tired go to sleep."

"Okay," you stand up and start to change out of your clothes, and notice Dave try to walk away. You walk over to him, grabbing his hand and say,

"Stay, Dave please, stay here I want someone near me tonight."

"I don't have any pajamas John."

"I don't care just sleep in your underwear and steal one of my giant sweatshirts."

"Okay, I'm sorry about her John, you don't deserve it." And he pulls you into a hug, that feels like forever but is only about 20 seconds.

"I'm sorry about terezi too Dave, she's a bitch." he laughs a bit at this and wipes a tear from his left eye.

"Ya, I guess you're right," he smiles weakly after removing his sunglasses, "Lets go to bed."

You both then change into pajamas, you in green boxers and a white t-shirt, and Dave in black boxers and a blue t-shirt. He went onto your bed first, opening up his arms for you to snuggle up into, to which you did happily.

You guys stayed awake for a little while, sobbing every once and a while in each other's arms. And then you both eventually fell asleep.

I'M SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT I'VE BEEN BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND SPORTS AND SHET. And this is bad af so sorry for this shitty update! How was everyone's day? -Leah (my actual name btw)

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