Chapter 15

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Song: Lights by Ellie Goulding

"What?! Im back now just leave me alone!" I yelled at him and kept running towards the prison. Once i got to the doors and went inside and people ran over to me asking questions but i ignored them and went to my cell, flopping on the bed. The governor was going to kill everyone. All because i couldn't get there before my group found me. I rolled over and stuck my head under my pillow to block out the noises. After a few minutes i felt someone climb on the bed beside me and i lifted my head slightly to see who it was. It was Glenn. I put my head back under my pillow. "Go away" i said to him. "Terra we need to talk" he replied. "No we don't" i said back. "Sit up please Terra" He said. I sighed and sat up. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want you to tell me everything that has to do with this deal you made with the governor." he said. "I already told you." i replied. Glaring at him. "Okay then answer one question. Why does the governor want you so bad?" He asked. "Apparently i look just like his daughter who died a couple of weeks ago." I told him. He didn't say anything, "Its pretty understandable actually. If i died and another girl came here and looked and acted just like me, wouldn't you want her to stay here?" I asked. "Maybe but i would never do what the governor has done." He replied. "Once you get to know him he's not that bad. He's just trying to save his town. He is a slight bit crazy though." I said. "He beat you when you where there." Glenn stated. "That wasn't him. That was one of his guards." I replied. Glenn started to say something but stopped "I tried to tell you guys but you were all freaking out enough so i decided not to" I said. "Whats the guards name?" He asked. "If i tell you your only going to freak out more" i said, shaking my head. "Tell me" Glenn demanded. "Merle Dixon" i replied quietly. "Merle Dixon?" Glenn said questioningly. Almost like he didn't believe me. "Yes" i said quietly. He stood up suddenly "Glenn please don't do anything stupid." I groaned, getting up and following him. He ignored me. "Daryl i need to talk to you" Glenn said. "So much for not doing anything stupid" i muttered. They walked outside and i stood in the doorway. Glenn explained what i had told him. When he finished Daryl looked furious. He walked over to me "Why didn't you tell me my brother was there?" he demanded. "because everyone was already freaking out." i replied. "And he's the one who hurt you?" He asked slowly. I looked at my feet, embarrassed to have to tell him what his brother did. I nodded. "Next time i see him i am going to kill him" Daryl said then went inside. I looked up at Glenn "Thats why i didn't want to tell anyone." I said to Glenn and walked back to my cell.

I know i said i would have a chapter out in a few days. But i went camping and there was no cell service. But i wrote a couple chapters and i should have them up today.

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