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1000 words in and the draft deleted itself, yay!!!

Anyways, we are nearing the end of the book here, but do not worry i have news coming up soon in regards of that.

Anyways, enjoy!

Freya POV:

*squish, squish*

The soddened dirt squelched under my boots, a key indicator of my arrival that I was sure Viggo had picked up on long ago. I come to a stop as I see Viggo already looking my direction and the clearing. He smiles slightly, but the corners of his eyes don't budge. The smile isn't pitiful, it's cautious. I understand his hesitation and sit next to him against the tree.

I notice the drawing sketched onto the notebook in front of him; a clean, bold sketch of Sullivan laying in front of him. He pinches the sides of the spine with his palm, shutting it and turning his attention towards me.

"How are you?" He asks, wrapping an arm around my waist. His wording surprises me for a moment, expecting for him to be more interested in my father's health, Hiccup's whereabouts, anything about the main focus on Berk. Though he isn't here for Berk or my father, is he?

Still I dwell on his question for a moment. I'm not sure how to feel anymore. Apathy isn't quite the word for it, but it feels wrong to say that I feel 'sad' with dry eyes.

"I don't know," I say quietly, frowning and resting my head against his chest. His breathing is even, but his heartbeat feels fast. Strange... "I just know that I'm tired of.. being upset over something I cannot control."

Viggo hummed, pushing the book aside and pulling me closer with his free arm. A smile quickly replaces the frown as he rests his chin on my head. In times like this, I am glad I have someone like Viggo to make me feel normal.

"Whatever your emotion, don't feel negatively about it," Viggo said. I nodded shortly, keeping that reminder in my back pocket. A silence grows between us, but I feel a new conversation growing.

"Other than your loyalty to your brother, what brought Berk to hate you so?" He asks, confirming my suspicion. I think back to the insults I earned before my brothers battle with the Red Death, remembering how different I used to be.

"Well... I guess you could say I wasn't very sociable.. or emotional. I suppose it didn't help that I was invited to every town meeting, where I criticized their terrible plans severely," I say, explaining my past in short terms. I suspect that part of the reason Berk hates me to this day is because they feel that I am incapable of falling in love with a suitor from the Process, that I am just teasing them with it. You could say that they were right about me disliking all of the suitors, but I found someone, didn't I?

I feel the vibration through his chest as he hums understandingly. My sore limbs and raw eyes are now heavily prevalent, like pain after the passing of adrenaline. I yawned sleepily, pulling my legs in and slanting them towards Viggo. I whine tiredly when he lifts his chin from my head and pulls away from me, confused and cold again. I am able to make out his figure walking towards Sullivan and reaching through his saddle bag.

Too tired to play guessing games, I rest my head against the tree, closing my eyes and waiting for him to return. I hear him shuffle around until I feel his arms slip under my legs and around my back. As soon as I open my eyes, I am lifted from the ground and I subconsciously clutch to Viggo.

"I can stand on my own, you know," I say quietly, my throat raw from my sobs. He lies me down on the sprawled out blanket and sits down himself.

"I know," He says simply, removing the uncomfortable parts of his armor. I sit up tiredly, and begin untying my corset. My fingers fumble with the strings as I have a hard time untying it in the first place, not to mention I'm such a tired state. Deciding to ignore the corset for now, I unclip my shoulder pads, fore-armor and my sword. Everything else is either too much effort to remove, or necessary if anyone decides to take a morning stroll in the woods. What a rumor that would be...

Snakes | A Viggo Grimborn X OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now