Emily isn't here today but unfortunately, Campbell is. He is... a character. A weeb, I think. Definitely. A lot annoying and very vocal. In too many ways. #nohate though. He is no Emily. He does complain about Foor a lot though. Onto other things that irk me. Later. Stole another notebook from the VM. Sorry, but I'm not paying 1.79 for a notebook this tiny. Wouldn't do it even if it meant someone died. In fact, I would ask if I could pick who. I was running out of pages though. My stealing abilities are so good I did it in front of someone and they didn't even notice. I'm scared for her to come back. I've been Emily free for like a week. And now she's back. Or will be. Hopefully not but she's like a bad wart that comes back when you don't want it. Which is never. You never want it.
Don't come back.